The First Semester…

As the first semester draws to a close and I begin to pack everything away to go home for the christmas holidays I thought I would talk about what my first semester at university has been like. It’s had it’s ups and downs as to be expected but I did it and the fact that I made it to Christmas shows me that I can do this for the whole of my education.

Lets look at my course first. I love it and considering  I spent a good 18-ish weekends looking at different universities, I totally feel like I have made the best choice for me. I have a lecturer that I can talk to about anything, who calls me when I have a problem and has become a uni mother to me. At the open day she was the reason that Staffs was a top choice because I knew that I would be looked after here but also allowed to grow educationally.

I have worked incredibly hard for the past few months and although found the initial socialising to be rather difficult I can safely say I have the people that I want to be friends with for the next three years. I was home schooled after being bullied at school and that can make it difficult to want to be friends with anyone and to trust people, but you will quickly learn that the right people will find you and stick with you.

I’ve already achieved two firsts and one 2:1 since starting university which has shown me that regardless of everything that I thought held me back that I can do this and that putting in my hard work is paying off. My grades don’t count this year, but I want to do the best I can and prove some people wrong as I do it.

Socially I could be doing better but with my limitations I think I am doing pretty well. I have a great friend in fellow blogger Jaz who has supported me through my decisions to either stay in or go out if I felt I could. He has really encouraged me to push my boundaries in a way that still keeps me feeling okay and I have had some great nights out at the LRV on campus (which doesn’t sound a lot but is for me!) and that is more than I ever thought I was going to be able to do.

I’ve not really been able to get involved in a lot of societies as the ones I was interested in cost a little bit more and were in places I didn’t feel safe walking to at night but I have joined the student radio station, One Media Group (OMG). I do a show that I have dragged Jaz into co-hosting with me and we do an hour on the station. We take it in turns to give each other quotes each week to guess and we have a fun time on air (normally with the deputy station manager, Luke joining in on the fun).

I have loved uni so far and although the accommodation and living with new people can be extremely difficult at times. I am hoping that the next semester runs as smoothly as this. It will be interesting to see what changes over the course of the year because university has already been such a big step that I never thought I would achieve.

I will see you when I am back at home for Christmas!

Until then, enjoy the festive season!



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About Rebecca 24 Articles
Currently studying Radio Production