Clearing Made Clear - Talk to experts 01782 295 900

Catching up when you come through Clearing

August 26, 2016 0

2009: it was mid-October, I was nineteen, fresh from Clearing and all kinds of debacles, and I’d arrived at my first attempt at a university degree. I had no idea what I was doing, what […]

college road with a bus and bike.

Do You Miss Out If You Commute To Uni?

August 25, 2016 0

What do you think about when you hear the phrase ‘student experience?’ Late nights, house parties, hangovers, leftover kebab breakfasts and going to the SU shop with your sunglasses on in your pajamas because you’ve […]

Calling Clearing – Is it too late?!

August 24, 2016 0

It’s never too late! Besides blogging I work on the Clearing phone lines at Staffs Uni. And I can tell you it is not. We are still here and busy in the Clearing hub taking […]

Job adverts in a news paper

Poor Students: Getting A Job While You’re At Uni

August 24, 2016 0

Student jobs, summer jobs, part-time jobs, internships, work experience — buzz words for any student who’s struggling for money or skills or both. You don’t hear anyone complaining that they’re a ‘rich student,’ and that […]

Good luck presents for emmas new house


August 23, 2016 0

In the last month I have signed a contract for my new flat in Manchester and got the keys – scary and adult and I’m  not sure how its going to go! As much as […]

Hello from Swetha

August 22, 2016 0

Hello! I’m Swetha Reddy; Vice-President of the Students’ Union at Staffordshire University, where I’m studying for a Masters in Business Administration. I’m also an international student from India. Why did I choose Staffs? The Business […]

Poached egg on avocado toast

Lemon-Avocado & Poached Egg on Toast in 6 Steps

August 22, 2016 0

Continuing the theme of eating healthy (and keeping your bank balance healthy at the same time), one of my favourite breakfasts is lemon avocado on toast with a poached egg. Sounds like it’s complicated, but […]

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