iPhone social media apps

Should you give up Social Media?

April 11, 2016 0

Is social media really that addictive? Does it control a large percentage of our lives as many people claim? Yes. Well for me it does. I have finally decided to give up social media after […]

donation logo

‘Veg out’ with DoNation

April 10, 2016 0

DoNation uses environmental pledges (stay with me on this), which are super easy to do. These pledges add up to have a massive effect on improving our environment (your house, your street, your universe!) Oh […]

running on the treadmill in the Staffordshire University gym

Tips to Get Moving

April 9, 2016 0

I’m not a long distance runner. I’ve always enjoyed running since Primary School – I had long legs and could run pretty fast on sports days or relays – but they were usually sprints where […]

Chicken Curry with rice

Easy Curry Chicken Recipe

April 8, 2016 0

  As a fellow student I know for a fact that majority of us are always tired and don’t always feel like cooking. Takeaways are a much easier solution however for those of us looking […]

pool table with cue ball in main focus

What to do at Staffs Uni

April 6, 2016 0

So you’re coming to Staffordshire University this year, ready to learn and study hard right? You’ll be expecting lectures, assignments and tonnes of work, but what nobody tells you or advises you on is how […]

Annrose's room

My Uni Room Tour

April 4, 2016 0

I managed to bag the biggest room in the house and have tried to make it as personal as possible. So I hope that you enjoy this glimpse into my room here at university. My […]

People running on a treadmill in the University gym

Getting Cold Feet

April 2, 2016 0

I have a confession to make. I’ve well and truly avoided running for the last few weeks. After my last blog I started to get a cold, and feeling run down – quite literally. So […]

Oprah saying Yeah! in a gif

The Steps of Life

April 1, 2016 0

The small steps you take in life are very important. It may seem like its nothing at the time, but everything links together at the end. I am a Christian so I am a strong […]

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