Zach on love and relationships…

October 22, 2016 Zach 0

Behind the stresses of exams, coursework, typing up notes, money and what to wear for that night out on Friday, for some there’s one most people don’t like to talk about – love and relationships. […]

Border Wars

October 20, 2016 Richard Bretherick 1

Before I get on to the student-y bit of this blog, I’ll update you on the madness which constitutes my working life in the humanitarian sector in Central African Republic. Boringly, I’ve just endured malaria […]

People Are Weird: Compensatory Health Beliefs

October 18, 2016 Drew 0

I am a 3rd Year Psychology and Counselling student, and throughout my course, listening to lecturers and searching through the research databases at my fingertips, I come across some weird, interesting, and relatable psychology. So […]

Gee: Why I’m #AllStokedUp

October 11, 2016 Maxie 0

I’m Gee. I’m a first year. Which means, I’ve been living in Stoke for a whole month now! Yes, despite the fact I’ve already started referring to my flat and the town as ‘home’, it […]

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