4 reasons why I am thankful to Staffs!

It feels like yesterday that I moved to Stafford and embarked on the journey to become a midwife. I was nervous yet excited and didn’t know what university would bring. Little did 18 year-old me know that in three years time that she’d become a qualified professional and go on to do things she’d never expect to do…

1. The friends I have made…

First of all, I’ve made some of my best friends here at university. I either met them in halls, in lecturers, or in the student union. I even spent my 21st birthday with some of them in Paris, which was amazing. I may not have met any of them if I didn’t come to university, so I am so grateful for that.

2. The challenges I’ve overcome…

My degree has really tested and taught me a lot. I had to work 37.5 hour weeks on placement, whilst also trying to revise for exams and write assignments. I sometimes couldn’t see my family and friends when I wanted to and there were many times where I wanted to quit. Through the support of my fellow student midwives, lecturers and mentors or placement, I managed to keep going and complete the course.

3. The skills I’ve learnt…

These past three years I have acquired so many skills and knowledge which will form the foundation of my midwifery career. I have been lucky enough to play a part in women’s pregnancy and childbirth experience and I was able to make a difference.

4. The opportunities I’ve had…

University has also given me lots of extra-curricular opportunities. I have been able to be a Student Ambassador, a Digital Student Ambassador and represented Staffs on many occasions. These opportunities have helped my confidence to grow and I feel like I am able to share my experiences to help others.

My time at Staffordshire University has now come to a bittersweet end. Although I am excited to start in my new job as a qualified midwife, I will really miss the university life. I will particularly miss being a digital student ambassador, as I have really enjoyed sharing my experience as a student. I want to thank each and every one of you that read any blog post of mine. I hope you enjoyed reading about my thoughts and advice on student life.

Until next time,



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About Annrose 63 Articles
Hi! I'm a 3rd year Midwifery student, and in my spare time you'll usually find me reading, listening to music or buying things I don't need! When I graduate I'm looking forward to becoming a registered as a professional at 21, and making a difference. I’m #ProudToBeStaffs because the university is friendly and has a real community feel.

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