5 Tips for prepping for Uni:

Getting ready for university, can be a worrying and scary experience, but here are five things that helped me and will might just help you:



It’s important to speak and hang out with your close family and friends from home, especially if you’re moving away. This is just because you may not see them or speak to them as much while you are at university and it’s good to get it in when you can!


As well as this, use the university’s social media channels, such as Facebook and Twitter to get in touch with new friends! Thanks to the university’s online presence you can meet housemates and classmates long before you even step foot on campus!



If you’re nervous about starting, something simple you can do is go through what information you know about your course. For example, I study Experimental Film Production, so I went through my old A Level Film Studies notes, started reading a text book recommended on the course site and watched lots of films!


Even a small amount of revising reassures you and takes the edge of your first steps!



You may have heard nightmares about student loans and overdrafts. However, these kinds of problems can be avoided by saving what money you do have and budgeting how much you plan to spend weekly.


This figure naturally can change, but having a rough idea of what you can spend really helps squash those nerves!



Even if you’ve been to open days and offer holder days, it’s worth travelling to the university one of the days and exploring the area, use Google Maps and the university’s recommendations to figure out the lay of the land before you arrive!



The very best tip I can offer you, is practice. A week or two before starting, set your alarm to your schedule times so you can make sure you won’t sleep in. Try buying, managing and cooking your own food for a week at home if you don’t already. Practice anything about university life you’re not sure on and you’re sure to get the hang of it!


Hopefully, these tips show you how easy it can be to transition to university life, all you need is an open mind and the will to try!


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