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Student Discounts and Budgeting!

August 13, 2015 Emma 0

There are always some amazing deals out there for students, some are easy to find, and some are a little harder. With so much food, clothing and jewelry at cheaper rates for students on offer, […]

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Ways To Save And Spend

August 12, 2015 Charlize 0

As exciting as most of us get when we realise that our student loan has dropped, we soon discover that all the things we were planning on buying becomes a dream and we have to […]

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Clearing FAQ

August 10, 2015 Emma 0

As part of my work with the ‘Clearing Experts’ I’ve been responding to people on The Student Room who have questions about Clearing, and have noticed that there is a trend in the questions that […]

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Time flies when you’re having fun

August 3, 2015 Emma 0

I’m now going into my third and final year at university, and I am petrified. Mostly of whether I’ll pass or not and the work ahead but also because I know that all the drinking […]

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My final year is approaching…

July 29, 2015 Josh 0

Well it’s nearly here, the final year of my degree; wow. Only feels like a couple of months ago I was being introduced to staffs uni in general, time sure does fly when you’re having […]

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Reflecting on Year 1: The Course

July 27, 2015 Annrose 0

I cannot actually believe that Year 1 is finally over. Although it feels like forever since most people finished in May, the year has gone so quick. I never thought that I would have seen […]

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What you aren’t told to bring to Uni

July 22, 2015 Emma 0

No doubt everyone makes lists with their parents about ‘What to take to university” such as bedding, glasses, cutlery all the usual things. But what about items which are a little more unusual and aren’t […]

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What to do at an Open Day

July 21, 2015 Emma 0

Sometimes when you walk away from an open day at a university you feel as though you’ve seen everything you went there to see and can make a decision based on that. But other times […]

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Student Housing

July 17, 2015 Emma 0

In the majority of cases, during your first year you are allocated a place in halls, which means you don’t have to look for your own housing, and can just get on with making friends, getting […]

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