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Why I’m Moving Home For My Final Year

April 5, 2018 0

I spent my first and second years of my degree living in student accommodation. The first was on-campus at Clarice Cliff Court in a flat of 6. My second year has been in a privately-rented […]

Father’s Day – The Ideal Present?

June 16, 2017 0

Hello! With Father’s Day being just around the corner, it is imperative that I find a gift that my old man would like. Which leads me to ask? What is the ideal present to give […]

Going Home for Christmas

December 12, 2016 0

Christmas holidays are a lovely opportunity to have a break from university and see family or take time for yourself even if you don’t celebrate Christmas. I personally do celebrate Christmas in a big way. […]

Single Parent Student

September 25, 2016 0

So for those of you don’t know, I have a teenager! An “it’s not fair” eats me out of house and home, no concept of money, sleep in till mid-day teenager. And for over the […]

Lauren having a drink in the Ember Lounge

Being at a Local University

August 2, 2016 0

It’s a personal decision whether you choose to stay at home or move away for university. What I can say is that I followed in my families footsteps and stayed local. It worked out better […]

Mortar boards being thrown into the air at one of our Graduation Ceremonies in 2014


July 5, 2016 0

I feel so proud to say, with a huge weight off my shoulders I actually made it through university and shall be graduating next week! Yes I shall be walking like Beyonce when they call […]

Leek Road campus at Staffordshire University

Planning the summer

June 1, 2016 0

Although it may seem early to be thinking about the summer, it is actually the perfect time. For me it is motivation to get things done. As the essays pile up it feels like a […]

Sail from one of the clipper race boats

How I work as part of the Clipper family

January 27, 2016 0

The interesting thing about extraordinary people is they never lack the ability to surprise you. And that is why I love what I do. Mid-September 2015 – somewhere across the mid Atlantic, and one of […]

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