The Labour Guarantee?

May 22, 2017 Jaz 0

With the General Election looming over us next month, I want to especially take a closer look at two of Labour’s ‘leaked’ manifesto promises and how it will affect students in general. Now, one of […]

IPE Day – Student Midwives and Paramedics

April 30, 2017 Annrose 0

Recently, the third student midwives here at Staffordshire University had the opportunity to work with and teach the student paramedics various ways to deal with pregnancy related emergencies. This is something that our lecturers had […]

Moving away to university

April 21, 2017 Alexandra 0

So, it is only a few short months until September and for some of you reading this, that means moving away from home for the first time. Moving away to university is one of the […]

Finding the Balance

April 19, 2017 Karis 0

When you’re an independent student, no matter what level you’re at, I think one of the biggest things to manage is finding balance within your life. It can be finding the balance between many things […]

5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

April 17, 2017 Annrose 0

It’s the time of the year where millions of deadlines are creeping up…essays, exams, presentations…the lot! Avoiding your work by doing things such as scrolling through social media, playing games or watching TV will not […]

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