Joining Clubs and Societies at Uni

September 9, 2016 0

  When starting university last year, I was certain that I would join at least one club or society. In the end I joined one of each, dancing club and psychology society. I always intended […]

Zach with friends in a Madagascar photo

Theme park season is a GO GO GO

April 22, 2016 0

Theme parks, something very topical at the moment but for me, they are my addiction. From November I count down to the following March to know how long until I can get my next thrill […]

pool table with cue ball in main focus

What to do at Staffs Uni

April 6, 2016 0

So you’re coming to Staffordshire University this year, ready to learn and study hard right? You’ll be expecting lectures, assignments and tonnes of work, but what nobody tells you or advises you on is how […]

The New Beacon Building next to the Mellor

Mellor development…looking to the future!

March 17, 2016 0

On a very damp wintery Wednesday morning I went to visit the building site on the top three floors of Mellor building on the Stoke-on-Trent campus. For most people a building site is that materials, […]

10 Things I Miss From Student Life

December 31, 2015 0

As much as I am enjoying ‘working life’, there are some things I am missing about being a student and the lifestyle I had for 3 years. Going to university was the best decision I […]

emmas bed and small window in the corner

House for 3rd year!

October 28, 2015 0

From living in the house from hell last year, my new student house is so much better. Yeah it is a lot more expensive than the one I lived in last year, but at least […]

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Book Suggestions

May 14, 2015 0

I used to read a lot of books before university but then I soon struggled to find the time to read in peace. However I have recently got back into it and I have a few […]

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Struggling to balance everything

March 30, 2015 0

So, being a student is quite fun as you may have heard, but there are so many things that I have struggled with, including finding enough time to deal with everything. I constantly struggle having […]

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March 2, 2015 0

“Relationships in University never last” I’ve lost count of the amount of times I have heard that from different people. I recall in first year that many people including some of my flat mates came into university in […]

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