Top 5 Networking Tips

“It’s people you know!”

This quote may actually be right, but how do you do it? How do we successfully network with people and what makes the person you’re reaching out to want to help you find a job? 

Read on to get our top 5 tips and tricks on networking successfully. 

  1. Start Using Social Media

For many, face-to-face contact is a daunting experience. With social media, it is a lot easier to get to know someone who shares the same background and interests as you. It also helps you know beforehand whether you would like to put in the time getting to know someone.

Start using the following platforms:

  • LinkedIn 
  • Google Plus
  • Twitter

Engage with content that other people are sharing and liking. Comment your thoughts and opinions on a shared topic; this can be a great conversation starter and a point to refer back to if and when you meet this person face-to-face. 

Also, get involved and spice up your profile with a profile picture, a biography and some interesting posts. Don’t forget to take some time to browse through your posting history and make sure you aren’t sharing or involving yourself with any offensive or controversial topics. 

Quick tip: mass-requesting to follow people is not the right way to network. It is not about the numbers, but the quality of each connection you make.

Read below to find out how to form genuine relationships. 

2. Arrive Early to Events

Events are a fantastic opportunity for you to cheerlead your skills and show off your best self. But it can be uncomfortable when you walk into the venue and see hundreds of people huddled in their own bubble. So arriving early to events can be beneficial because you can form a group with those who are just arriving. Everyone would love to talk to somebody, and this is a great way to introduce yourself.

3. It’s Give & Take

Many people forget that networking is a two-way street. When you approach someone, talk about yourself, and then ask for a favour, you are essentially coming across as selfish. And of course, it would be fantastic to just walk up to someone, ask for a CEO position and get it – just like that. I wish that was true… 

But networking is all about building a rapport. When you meet someone, what can you offer them? What will they gain from talking to you? Knowing all of this and being able to share this across naturally will help the keep the other person engaged with the conversation and invested in you. 

4. Be Kind and Be You!

Build genuine relationships. Just be yourself. In many comedic films, when the protagonist goes to an office party and tries to network by being self-aggrandising and pretentious, it always ends in a flop. I’m not sure if this was the old way to network, but in 2021, people are becoming more open to real people. 

If you’re feeling anxious about the event, prepare some questions you’d like to know about someone beforehand. Have some cue-cards at hand, so you can drive the conversation. And know that awkward, silent moments happen. If you don’t click with someone, just thank them for their time and wish them well. 

5. Listening is Just as Important…

Listening to others is so important, more so than the talking. People are so quick to talk about themselves that the conversation becomes one-sided. 

Picking up on some of the things that they say can help you so much in the conversation. If you’re able to relate to someone’s experience and bringing it back to circulation in the conversation will reflect on you as a good listener. 


Careers Studio: 

The Careers Team can help with: ‘CV Preparation, Interview Skills Practice, LinkedIn Assistance, Confidence Building, Advice on Where to look for Job Opportunities, Placement Advice, The Value of Volunteering and more….’



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Securing your Graduate Role

University – what a ride! First of all, a huge congratulations to you for graduating – get celebrating!

Now, whether you’re thinking of taking a well-deserved break for a while or whether you’re ready to keep pushing forward into your professional life, it’s never too early to start applying and securing your graduate role.

Read on to get the best tips and tricks, as well as getting to know your support system at Staffordshire University.

My Journey 

I secured my first full-time role recently in June 2021. When I submitted my final assignment, I felt an influx of emotions: relief, fear, excitement.

I first felt underwhelmed, because throughout my time at university, I had a few goals that I wanted to achieve. Unfortunately, obstacles flew in from all angles – personal, financial, and housing. It made focusing on these goals and studying extremely tough and unrewarding. I felt like I physically dragged myself to the finish line: 4pm, May the 4th (be with you).

I felt like I ran out of time to do the things I wanted to at university. I think I was also just so relieved that it was all over that I looked for more negatives than positives in my situation. 

Eventually, I “chillaxed”. There was a new obstacle to overcome – an exciting and new experience for me – getting a full-time job. After my final submission, I applied to over 200 jobs on all sites that I could think of. This kept me busy after university, which was exciting and nerve-wracking too. 

With my English Literature & Creative Writing degree, I heard these a LOT: 

  1. “So, you wanna be a teacher then?”
  2. “*Laughter*” 
  3. “Good luck getting a job with that degree!” 

But this didn’t put me off at all. Most of the time, these were jokey remarks, and I felt like I could prove them wrong. 

I was so grateful to have spoken with my personal tutor, Mark Brown. He told me to think outside the box and to look at what I have learned during my time at university. Now, my degree wasn’t a label, but an ocean of skills and experience that I could fish out and present at my job interview. 

I got out an A3 piece of paper and drew a mind map. After scribbling down my skills, work experience, volunteering, and extra-curricular activities. I realised I had more to offer than I thought. Eventually, I realised I could apply my skills to so many job titles I’d enjoy: copywriting, marketing, translation, freelancing, and graphic design.

I got my job as a Marketing Assistant & Creative Producer Assistant thanks to Unitemps. Lizzy was so supportive & she helped ease my nerves for the interview. She also encouraged me to get some certificates online to stand out from others. So I did!  

Target Keyword Searches

These are essentially the keywords you use in the search bar, whether that’d be on Google, Indeed, LinkedIn, and other job search websites to help refine your list of jobs. This makes job hunting easier because you will be matched with more roles that suit your level of expertise, as well as your interests.

It can be daunting to look at the list of irrelevant job roles without first refining your job needs. For example, on LinkedIn, you will see these filter options in the “Jobs” section:

At first, 24,000 jobs appear and it will take too much time trying to scroll through page after page of job titles for candidates with 25 years of experience! Filter through the following options: 

  • Remote: this is a preference. If you are a stay-at-home parent or you would love to work for a company but would like to stay in your jammies at home-sweet-home, then click on “Remote” button.
  • Date Posted: experiment with this. It helps to lower the number of searches and the earlier the job post, the better. This is because many job postings from earlier may have expired, so it would be a waste of time applying to those.
  • Experience Level: many graduates like myself would typically click on “entry-level” jobs, “internship” or “associate”

LinkedIn offers a free trial for their Premium Feature which can be helpful when seeing what the other applicants’ backgrounds are like, which job titles match your skills on your profile and who is viewing your profile. 

University & ‘Career Planning’

Did you know that Staffordshire University graduates have access to Career and Personal Development support for life

On their page, ‘Life after University‘, the Careers Team suggests that having a ‘Career Plan’ is useful to help you understand yourself and what options you have for careers moving forward. The list will ultimately help you understand the following: 

  • Your strengths, values and interests – as well as what you could work on to stand out from other candidates. 
  • The goals you need to work towards your career (long-term and short-term). This will help you stay motivated and organised, because job-hunting is no easy feat. 
  • Some ideas of which fields you can apply yourself to (what jobs could you do). 

If you would like to find out more about this, please visit HERE



“MyCareer is your career and personal development one-stop-shop and the first place to go to:

  • Look for jobs and experience
  • Book a place on career workshops and events
  • Ask quick career-related questions”.

Once you have graduated, you will have received an email asking you to register for a new graduate account. This will give you access to a variety of work, with exclusive access to you, the graduate! You can also register HERE if you haven’t received it or are visiting after years of graduating at Staffs.

As well as finding work, their Careers Team is on hand every day of the working week (Mon-Fri), virtually and in-person, to help you in the following: 

  • Writing a tailored CV
  • Writing the best cover letter for that particular role you’re applying for
  • Answering any career-related questions (or anything about student life; did you know that the Career Coaches are current students?) 
  • LinkedIn Assistance
  • Practice Interviews 

And a lot more to list… Visit the link above and contact them today!


Saving the best for last – kidding, we’re all useful in our own way; and it’s a lot more beneficial if you use all the services mentioned here regularly!

Unitemps offers new opportunities on the daily, whether that’d be a part-time role, a full-time graduate role, temporary or permanent roles, virtual or in-office roles, graduate schemes and more. 

We also offer placement opportunities if you decide to stay in education. Placements are a great way to get on-the-job experience within your subject area. These vary from 12-week projects such as SAMPID to full 12-month placements. Undertaking a placement can be beneficial to your subject area knowledge and employability after completion of your award. 

We have roles tailored to every need and with just a few clicks of a button, you can send out your best CV and Cover Letter after visiting the Careers Studio and registering with us HERE

Not only do we offer the opportunities above, but did you know that we are in partnership with Staffordshire University for the following schemes?:


As it was just Women’s Engineering Day a week ago today, you may have heard of SAMPID. But if you haven’t, that’s okay! SAMPID stands for the ‘Advanced Manufacturing, Prototyping and Innovation Demonstrator’ programme. 

The primary aim of SAMPID is to drive innovation in Advanced Manufacturing Sectors across the Staffordshire region. In just 12-months, you will develop skills in your STEM field.

Please read our previous blog to find out more about SAMPID HERE

2) SDIPs 

The Staffordshire Digital Innovation Partnerships (SDIPs) programme is a collaborative project between Staffordshire University and Staffordshire County Council to drive transformation through digital innovation in the region. The project is funded by Staffordshire University, Staffordshire County Council and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 and will run until December 2021.

  • Digital Innovation Partnerships (DIPs)
  • Business Intelligence Partnerships (BIPs)
  • Social Challenge Innovation Partnerships (SCIPs)

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Follow Unitemps on Twitter for Regular Updates! @UnitempsStaffs


International Women in Engineering Day

International Women in Engineering Day

In celebration for International Women in Engineering Day, we want to share the opportunities that Staffordshire University pioneers towards women in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), whilst celebrating the achievements already made by women! 

Staffordshire University works closely with Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire businesses to provide 12-week SAMPID placements for all students wishing to build their careers in STEM.

SAMPID is a fully funded project by the university to pave the way for women to get into STEM jobs. You may have heard of SAMPID through our previous blog “Placement Opportunities” or Unitemps Staffordshire’s job opportunities. 

If you haven’t, that’s okay! Read on to find out how Unitemps and Staffordshire University are working together to break social barriers within STEM and to find out how you can get involved.

What is SAMPID? 

SAMPID stands for Staffordshire Advanced Manufacturing, Prototyping, Innovation Demonstrator. It is a program run by Staffordshire University, which brings together the expertise of local small businesses with our students/graduates and academics to develop new to the market products or components utilising cutting edge equipment.

Some examples of industries that students can get experience of through the programme include:

  • Aero-auto
  • Energy
  • Agri-tech
  • Medical Technology
  • Applied materials
  • Transport
  • Food and drink

For more details on SAMPID simply click HERE.

Staffordshire University Innovation Enterprise Zone, Staffordshire Advanced Manufacturing Prototyping and Innovation Demonstrator Logo

What opportunities does SAMPID provide for students? 

For students, SAMPID is an amazing opportunity to get real life experience working in a STEM role.

By getting involved in a project, you will gain technical skills, experience using specialist equipment such as robotic arms and 3D printers and develop networks with local businesses, all of which can only help you to stand out from the crowd when applying for future positions.

The SAMPID programme is dedicated to ensuring you finish the placement feeling better prepared and qualified for your career ahead.

Celebrating the Women in STEM

Staffordshire University currently has the following amazing women working on SAMPID projects: 

  1. Shruti Chakraborty working with Promtek studying an MSC in Robotics and Smart Technologies.
Watch this short video to find out what Shruti thinks are the main benefits of taking part in a SAMPID placement.

2)  Hajar Nour working with The Efficiency Group Ltd studying a MSc Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Energy Technologies:

“What made me choose engineering was first, because it is a creative career. Also, my passion for problem solving, maths, physics, exploring and creating at the same time is fascinating.”

3) Emily Pugh working with Funky Frames studying BA (Hons) Industrial Design (Product Design Pathway): 

“I chose to do Industrial Design as I wanted to learn about product design but on a bigger scale. I wanted to learn more about the business side of Product design, alongside the designing aspect. I believe this is what will help me in the real world of manufacturing.”

4) Emma Hearn working with Crib Gogh studying a BA (Hons) Fashion Design 

How to get involved in SAMPID

The project was launched in 2020 and is growing exponentially at an increasing rate. So far:

  • 18 projects have been approved
  • 9 projects are live
  • 1 is currently being advertised: Visit HERE:
  • 50 projects by 2023
  • More projects are yet to come!

Want to get involved in SAMPID? We have a live role here:

Prototyping and Innovation Consultant with Hayle Communications

To find out about upcoming SAMPID opportunities, register with us on where you will regularly see placements being posted or email our team at to arrange a call with one of our team.

(Staffordshire University SAMPID is fully funded by Staffordshire University and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 and offered completely free of charge to each participating business).

European Union, European Union Regional Development Fund Logo

Midlands Engine HM Government Logo

Placement Opportunities


Placements are a great way to get on-the-job experience within your subject area. These vary from 12-week projects such as SAMPID to full 12-month placements. Undertaking a placement can be beneficial to your subject area knowledge and employability after completion of your award. 

Unitemps’ Placement Opportunities

Unitemps offers many placement opportunities for Staffordshire University students wishing to get real hands-on experience, as well as great connections for when they graduate. Read on to find out the benefits of seizing this opportunity!

What type of placement can I do?

There are many placements available to students at Staffordshire University. The main year of industry placement is the most well-known. With many other project based placements also offered.

A Year in Industry

A year in Industry is usually based within an organisation in your subject area. These are usually started after the end of your studies in your second year. It is usually up to you to find a placement at the start of your second year of university, However, academic staff usually post relevant opportunities they find within your course’s teams group or blackboard area and are sure to assist you in finding one if necessary.


Staffordshire Advanced Manufacturing, Prototyping and Innovation Demonstrator is a scheme aimed to drive innovation in advanced manufacturing sectors across the region. The aim of the project is to support businesses to develop new to the market products or components utilising groundbreaking equipment. Funded by Staffordshire University and the European Regional Development Fund (2014-2020) these placements are offered on a paid basis lasting 12 weeks at 15 hours per week.

Throughout the placement, a dedicated academic will support one day per week.

This can be in any of the following areas:

  • Aero-auto
  • Energy
  • Agri-tech
  • Medical Technology
  • Applied Materials
  • Transport
  • Food and Drink

Within the placement, you would have the opportunity to utilise Staffordshire Universities Advanced Manufacturing Equipment, such as; Metal 3D printers (Solvent washable), Sinter oven (for metal 3D printers), Educational Robot, Collaborative Robot, Inspection Camera, Spin coater and Probe station.


Staffordshire Digital Innovation Partnerships, this programme is aimed at collaborating with small to medium enterprises to enable digital innovation within their organisation. These projects last for 24 weeks and are focussed on three areas:

  • Digital Innovation Partnerships—Focused on technological transformation to support the development of new processes, services or products and their accompanying transformational change within their business.
  • Business Intelligence Partnerships—Focused on supporting businesses to unlock the power of the data they collect, utilising a range of business intelligence tools and techniques.
  • Social Challenge Innovation Partnerships—Staffordshire County council priorities that a business can pitch to develop prototype solutions to.

These projects are all full time for the duration of 6 months, with the support of an academic for half a day per week.

Why a Placement? 

Instead of going into your third year of your degree, a student placement is an option to take a year out to work for an established industry relevant to your area of study. What’s the point of taking a year out when you could just finish that degree and get a job after?

Here’s a few reasons a placement may be the right option for you:

  • You will get real industry experience which will increase your employability and skills.
  • It will also help you apply what you have learnt in theory, so you will have a fantastic, competitive edge when entering the job market (and increased subject area knowledge!).
  • You will also figure out if the career you’re pursuing is really right for you and the different job roles within that sector that you may want to consider.
  • You may even be able to find a salaried placement.
  • And lastly, the obvious: you get great contacts! TopResume states that ‘60 percent of jobs are found through networking.’, so being able to reach out and build relationships will be vital to your job-search in the future.
  • Many times, students have been offered guaranteed graduate roles whilst taking a placement (Wouldn’t you love to spend your third year at Uni knowing you have a job lined up, with a company you are already comfortable with straight afterwards?!).

What’s a Placement Like?

Different for every organization and sector, a placement will technically be a full-time role. You will get a chance to develop your knowledge and skills practically which you build your skill set; this will be a fantastic head start when entering your final year of your degree! You will also work alongside an experienced team too, which will be a great way to network and ask questions.  

Some Stats to Think About

  • According to ISE Development Survey, the importance of work experience is highlighted by the fact that 87% of respondents agreed that a student who had completed an internship had a more enhanced skill set – than those who did not.
  • They also found that employers rehired an average of 43% of their placement students.
  • It is estimated that the average salary of students who have completed sandwich placements is 8% higher than those that did not, six months after graduating.

Where does Unitemps Come In?

Register with us on where you will regularly see placements being posted. So far, we have placed 15 students on a placement since 2021 and we are excited to give more students the opportunity to develop their skill set. We have 6 live placement opportunities in a variety of sectors.

Other ways to get a Placement with Staffordshire University

MyCareer (Online/Science Centre):

The Career Coaches are there for you all week to support your with tailoring a CV or cover letter, coaching you for your next placement with mock interviews and supporting you in building your portfolio. Placement opportunities are also advertised on MyCareer, so check regularly!

Contact them via online (MyCareer), going into a drop-in session at the Science Centre, or emailing them at

Employability Hub (Microsoft Teams):

Students will be automatically enrolled onto this page, where there will be jobs and placement opportunities regularly updated on their files. All opportunities will relate to a specific degree area, so that all students have a good chance at securing employment.

Useful Resources:

  4. LinkedIn
  5. Indeed
  6. TotalJobs
  7. Gradcracker
  10. Bright Network
  11. Google Jobs
  12. Reed
  13. TargetJobs
  14. SimplyHired

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Follow Unitemps on Twitter for Regular Updates! @UnitempsStaffs


COVID-Secure Campus

Returning to a COVID-19 secure campus

As the UK is progressing out of national lockdown, the way we approach testing is changing. Many of us are getting back onto campus for in-person teaching or to grab a hot drink from Squeezebox. With our venues slowly opening, safety is still the number one priority. Read on to find out how Staffordshire University ensures that all staff and pupils remain safe whilst on its premises.

How is Staffordshire University staying safe?

Testing and reporting:

The LRV on the Stoke-on-Trent campus operates on-site supervised lateral flow testing for the public, as well as staff and students at the university. These lateral flow tests are available from 9:30am-3:30pm, Monday to Friday.

Staff and students are advised to take a COVID test twice a week, so that Staffordshire University’s campus maintains a COVID-secure campus. Regular testing also ensures that staff and students remain safe. Ian Blachford, the Chief Operating Officer at Staffordshire University, says that:

‘It is easy to think that now that infection rates are lower, and hospitalisations are down, that the threat of COVID-19 has been removed. It hasn’t. If we don’t continue to test regularly, we could unwittingly play our part in the further spread of the virus and further possible lockdowns.’

To read in more detail about testing and reporting COVID test results, please visit here.

Sanitation and distancing measures:

In line with government guidelines, the university also implements social distancing measures. These include:

  • The campus is also remaining safe by encouraging everyone to keep their distance from one another through clear and visible markings.
  • Readily available hand sanitisers in stairwells, lift lobbies, foyers, lecture theatres and reception areas, so that anyone entering or leaving the premises has the chance to disinfect their hands.
  • Shared learning spaces and gyms will have wipes for staff and students to wipe down their areas as they arrive and leave.
  • Cleaning operations have adapted their procedures to focus on: hand rails, buttons, and doors, with special focus on high-touch areas such as bathrooms and lift facilities.
  • All students and staff are encouraged to wear face masks on campus. Staff have been provided with PPE to wear while teaching.
  • The retail outlets in Cadman, Ashley 2 and the Business School will remain closed until early next year. Vending machines are still available for use, though we encourage customers to either wash their hands or use hand sanitiser before and after use.

What should I do to help?

Having all these measures in place will not be effective if we didn’t have the full support from those who are on campus. Here are some things you must do, now that you are aware of how Staffordshire University supports your wellbeing and safety:

  • Monitor yourself for any symptoms of COVID-19 and arrange a test if you have any of the following: a high temperature (38°C+), a new, continuous cough, or a loss of smell/taste.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds – singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice helps! Or use hand sanitiser.
  • Catch coughs and sneezes with tissues. Immediately dispose of the tissue responsibly and clean your hands.
  • Avoid close contact with other people, maintaining a distance of two-meters wherever possible.

Support from the Well-being Team:

You are not alone, remember that. The pandemic has heightened the feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and fear. Please speak with our friendly and qualified Well-being team who will be happy to help.

Careers Studio: 

The Careers Team can help with: ‘CV Preparation, Interview Skills Practice, LinkedIn Assistance, Confidence Building, Advice on Where to look for Job Opportunities, Placement Advice, The Value of Volunteering and more….’


Register with Unitemps today:

Follow us on social media for regular updates:

Twitter: @UnitempsStaffs

LinkedIn: Unitemps Staffordshire University



What TO DO when Seeking Graduate Roles

What TO DO when Seeking Graduate Roles

With the academic year slowly coming to an end, many of you are starting to wonder, “What is the next step?”. For many, this is a daunting question and for others the prospects are exciting. But whether you are thinking of just taking a breather or jumping straight into your graduate role, here are our top tips when applying for first graduate role!

Map out your Hard & Soft Skills ?

It’s likely that employers require some hard skills, but soft skills are just as important and will also be needed for your role, so what is the difference between hard and soft skills?

Hard skills are technical abilities which are specific to the role. They are skills that are typically learned through training/education such as speaking a foreign language, coding, cleaning procedures and more.

Soft skills, on the other hand, are interpersonal/introspective abilities that can be more difficult to learn without real-life and hands-on experience. For example, leadership, creativity, compassion and more.

Create a brainstorm or jot down any volunteering, university or work experience you’ve done and list all the skills you have developed or gained from those. Perhaps a group presentation has taught you to be innovative, or you led a group to achieve a fantastic grade. These will all be useful for your interview, and particularly if you can present those skills in a SMART format.

As a graduate, employers know you may not have all the skills required, but if you are motivated and excited about the role, that may just be your ticket in! Be passionate.

Dedicate Time into Each Application

Each role will require a new CV and Cover Letter in order to show employers that you have read and understood the role. It also reflects you as a person who is detail-oriented and are keen on getting the job because you put effort into your application.

Make Time for Everything Else ?‍?‍?

It’s easy to get caught up with job applications and we sometimes may neglect things that are just as important such as taking time out for hobbies and socialising with friends. It’s easy to feel guilty if you’ve not applied for a certain number of roles in a day or even if you get a rejection email. But, taking care of yourself is important so you don’t get burnt out and can show your best self in an interview!

Consider every opportunity!

Everybody wants an ideal work-life with a fantastic salary and great hours, but the most important thing to do as a graduate is to get your foot in the door and consider all jobs out there. So, don’t just ignore temporary roles or jobs that pay minimum wage! Also, make sure these roles interest you, so that you’re able to progress and develop yourself in the long run. You want to love what you’re doing!

Student Support:

Health and Wellbeing at Staffs

Careers Studio: 

The Careers Team can help with: ‘CV Preparation, Interview Skills Practice, LinkedIn Assistance, Confidence Building, Advice on Where to look for Job Opportunities, Placement Advice, The Value of Volunteering and more….’

Register with us today:

Follow us on social media for regular updates:

Twitter: @UnitempsStaffs

LinkedIn: Unitemps Staffordshire University


Disability Support

Disability Support  

Unitemps are here for every student at Staffordshire University all year round. Working closely with the Student Support and Well-Being team, we employ Student Support Workers to work with students who may be facing difficulties while studying. Whether that be with their academic work or with their mental health, Unitemps are here to help.  

We offer students two main types of support whilst studying, working with a Specialist Mentor (ASC & Mental Health) or a Specialist Study Skills Tutor (ASC & SpLD) or both. 

Specialist Mentor (Mental Health & ASC) 

Specialist Mentor will regularly support you with:  

  • Motivation and setting goals
  • Mindfulness and relaxation 
  • Managing expectations about appropriate levels of study  
  • Creating appropriate study patterns  
  • Finding the tools and mindset to achieve personal academic goals 
  • Study-related stress or anxiety management 
  • Time management, organisational skills, and study/exam preparation skills 
  • Understanding your illness and managing symptoms, signs, and triggers

Specialist Study Skills Tutor (ASC & SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia)) 

Specialist Study Skills Tutor will regularly support you with:  

  • Structuring essays and other written work  
  • Critical and reflective thinking and research skills  
  • Comprehension, summarising, referencing and notetaking  
  • Developing and implementing proofreading strategies  
  • Assisting with time management and other academic-related organisational skills 
  • Examination preparation/revision techniques  
  • Understanding and implementing feedback from academic staff 

After University?  

When coming to the end of their studies and entering the world of work, we aim to maximise the student’s opportunities by working with our Careers Service and Student Support Team, offering extra guidance to ensure that they are fully equipped when applying for jobs.  


Student Support:  

Health and Wellbeing at Staffs: 

More on Dyslexia: 


Careers Studio:   

The Careers Team can help with: ‘CV Preparation, Interview Skills Practice, LinkedIn Assistance, Confidence Building, Advice on Where to look for Job Opportunities, Placement Advice, The Value of Volunteering and more….’ 


 Register with us today:  

Follow us on social media for regular updates: 

Twitter: @UnitempsStaffs  

LinkedIn: Unitemps Staffordshire University 


Unsuccessful? Here are your Next Steps!

Unsuccessful blog here are your next steps

It’s something that we all experience at some point: rejection. Rejection may dent our confidence and lower our motivation to keep trying. But now is the best time to work over those feelings! 

So, here are my top tips to help you keep trying, applying, and staying positive.

Remain Professional 

If it feels right, ask to be considered for other roles and thank the interviewer for their time. Whilst you may not have been the best fit for the role you have applied for, don’t burn those bridges.  

Connect with your employer on LinkedIn and follow their page to see what other opportunities they have for you. It’s a fact that kindness goes a long way, so who knows what could happen? Perhaps another similar role will open within that company, so the employer would contact you first! Keep your options open.

Ask for Feedback 

Follow-up the interview with an email asking for personal feedback. Not only will you get closure, but you may also find areas you need to work on. Whilst it is a bit uncomfortable to ask for feedback, their response could help you ace that next interview! 

You can also access the Careers Studio at Staffordshire University. Career Coaches can support you in a variety of ways. They can support you with personalising your CVs and cover letter. You can also have 1-to-1 practice interviews, sessions on confidencebuilding, and so much more. 

Talk to your family and peers. The worst thing to do after an interview is nothing; that would just eat you up! So, let it all out by talking to a trusted friend or family member. It will just ease the pressure, especially because they can relate on some level or another. 

Keep Your Head Held High 

Being unsuccessful does not mean that you have failed or are a failure. If you feel you were the perfect fit for the role, it’s important to note that the employer would’ve loved to have you on board, but another candidate just turned out to be stronger in one way or another.


Statistics says it all. Did you know that you may need to apply to 27 places before landing 1 interview? Give yourself a pat on your back for getting to the ‘interview’ stage in the first place.   

Consider all the positives that have come from the interview itself. Were there any unexpected questions that came up? Did you feel confident and prepared for the interview? Everything that happens is an opportunity, so look at the brighter side and keep trying. 

You got this! 

Access Staffs’ Wellbeing Services:





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Top 5 Life Hacks for Remote Working

Top 5 Life Hacks for Remote Working

Since the pandemic, the UK government has advised us to stay at home and to work from home if we can. Now that we must adjust to fresh ways of learning and working, it may seem overwhelming. Even if you were working remotely before, lockdown has brought everyone unique hurdles, so here are our top five life hacks to help boost productivity at home.


Dedicate a Workspace. ?️

In this study, 80% of young professionals admit to working from bed—who can blame them? But just think about this: why would you want your cosy, warm bed to be associated with work? It is a shudder-inducing thought indeed.

Choose an area, ideally not in the bedroom, where you can study and work. Perhaps there is a room with a lot of good artificial light and warmth? It may even be the living room or kitchen, but it is important that you have a place where you can focus and associate with productivity.


Set Some Boundaries!

Talk with your family or roommates about your schedule, so that they can respect the time you need to focus. If you are not able to work in a quiet room, invest in some sound-cancelling headphones or listen to some white noise to help you stay focused.

Not only is it important to set boundaries within your household, but also at work. It is easy to get carried away with work at home, especially if you are having to squeeze in deadlines or take on new tasks. Try to log off when your workday is over so that you can spend some quality time with your loved ones.


To-Do Lists. ?️

It will be difficult to focus on work whilst distractions are looming. I, for one, just had to log out of social media because I would be on autopilot, scrolling through dog videos until who knows when.

One of the best ways to combat procrastination is to set a to-do list. One way that you can do this is to set reminders on your Google calendar or notebook and dedicate each hour to an important task. If you complete the task within the timeframe given, you can reward yourself with a break!


Take regular Breaks. ?‍♀️

We are exposed to so much artificial light now. We are in a virtual meeting, replying to texts, whilst a lamp blares in our eyes. That is not good for us, is it? Not only does that affect our sleep patterns, but it will also affect our mood.

Get outside, even if it is in your garden or balcony, and reap the natural benefits from the sunlight. Not only is it good for your eyes, but 15 minutes of natural light also boosts your serotonin intake, produces vitamin D, increases creativity, and more.

Also, do your best not to work virtually an hour or two before bed. Looking at bright screens reduces the melatonin in your body that you need to fall asleep. When your sleep schedule is out of whack, not only will you have a poor quality of sleep, but you will also be less productive than the day before.


Be Kind. ?

Working from home is new, challenging, and it can overwhelm us. Every day is a new day to do the best you can, and every evening is the time to switch off from work, relax, love yourself and others around you.

Stay connected with colleagues, family and friends and remember that we are not superhuman. Acknowledge that we may not get everything that we hoped to get done that day, and that is okay. Be pragmatic about what you can do for the day ahead instead.


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Top Tips For Virtual Interview Success


5 Tips for (Virtual) Interview Success!

Since the pandemic, we have all had to adapt to newer ways of communicating—with family, friends, and potential employers. For landing a new job, first impressions have always been important, but it is now even more important to show your best self through your digital screen. So, how do you do that? Here are the top 5 tips to ensure that you are ready to ace your next virtual interview!

1: Prep your Tech. ⚙️

While you may be fully prepared to talk about your qualifications and work experience, what good would that be if your connection cut-out midway during a great conversation? Here are some things to look out for before your interview:

  • Have an ethernet cable plugged in to avoid any unwanted disruptions.
  • Rehearse the interview with a friend to ensure your camera, microphone, and connection are working sufficiently.
  • Before your interview, silence your phone, close irrelevant tabs, and try to reschedule any deliveries for a later time.
  • Add your interview’s time and date into your calendar so that you are ready on time.

2: Dress the Part. ?

Whilst the interview may take place in your bedroom, make sure you have taken the steps to dress out of your comfy pyjamas and into something more formal and appropriate.

There are usually one of three main types of dress-code suggested for the interview (research the company’s dress-code beforehand):

  • Professional
  • Business-Casual
  • Smart-Casual

Making this effort will show that you care for the role, whilst bringing a sense of normality to the virtual interview. There is also a science to it: researchers have found that dressing the part improves your focus, productivity, and performance, so it is a win-win situation for both you and the employer!

3: Look Around You! ?

Working from home has brought about memorable and viral videos and news articles, but whilst it is funny and relatable, it is best to remove those distractions for your interview. Not only will a quiet and clean background look professional, but it will also show the employer that you have an environment where you can work well in and will not be distracted by.

Look around your space and ask yourself these questions:

  • Are there any offensive or inappropriate objects in the background?
  • How would I feel if I saw my that in my interviewer’s background?

If you can add a ‘background filter’ which looks professional in your interview, use it if you feel you cannot alter your space yourself. The ‘blur’ effect or a simple office background effect will be appropriate. Do not put any inappropriate filters on your camera.

Also, whilst it is hard to control background noise, do your best to find a quiet space with a good connection. Invest in some soundproof headphones, so that you can focus on the interview. The headphones will also reduce any feedback sound.

4: The “Virtual” Handshake ?

During your interview, it will be tricky for your interviewer to read your body language, so it is important to recreate an authentic experience as best you can. In an in-person interview, it is important to maintain eye contact, so look up at the camera to show that you are attentive, approachable, and friendly. Also, show that you are passionate about the position by smiling and sitting up straight.

After your interview, send a quick ‘thank you’ email to your interviewer to show that you appreciate them giving you their time. You could also ask a quick question about the role that you forgot to ask during your interview to show more interest in the position.

5: Be Prepared!?

Now that you have the right space, outfit and technology for your interview, the best tip is saved for last: be prepared!

  • Thoroughly research the company you would like to work for. The interviewer would love to see that you care about the company and that you took the time and effort to decide that the job is right for you too.
  • Write some notes that would be useful for the interview. Also, prepare any documents or relevant portfolio required for the interview beforehand.
  • Let your lovely personality shine through. Do not be too scripted, so that it hinders your character and wonderful qualities. Your interviewer wants to see how well you will gel with the team, so stay professional and friendly.


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