December Factory Event: Creative Recovery

How can artists, arts organisations and addiction recovery services work together?

  • Topic: Creative Studios and Shared Spaces
  • When: October 9th, 10-11:00 am
  • Where: Zoom, once you register a Zoom link will be shared with you by email
  • Cost: Free
  • Sign up to our newsletter at

This interactive workshop is for artists, arts organisations and recovery services who are interested in the benefits and practicalities of collaboration. It is also relevant for commissioners and funders who are keen to promote cross-sector partnerships.

After an introduction to ReCast – a project combining creativity, addiction recovery and clay – participants will take part in parallel break out sessions.

  • Vicky Lomas, Service Manager at Stoke Recovery Service, will facilitate a discussion about her role integrating the project in the Service; planning and co-facilitating sessions; and supporting clients to make connections between creative skills and their own recovery. 
  • Joanne Ayre, Resident Artist with the British Ceramics Biennial, will discuss approaches to sharing creative practice with others and useful skills for working in health settings.

Coming back together, a group discussion will focus on playing to our strengths – what do artists, arts organisations and recovery services bring to a creative recovery project? How can we develop successful partnerships?

            “Working alongside health professionals has allowed me to see the benefits of working with clay reflected back from another perspective. It has added another layer of confidence in the assertion, I frequently make, that working with clay can be good for you.” Joanne Ayre

            “the opportunity to develop a project to enable the client to be creative and also develop a deeper understanding and skill for their own recovery has made an outstanding impact on their overall wellbeing.” Vicky Lomas

            “I’ve got lost in my work today. Really enjoyed taking my cast out of my mould          and learning to be very delicate carving the lines off.”