Launch of C3 Centre for Creative Industries and Creative Communities

Feel invited to the launch of our newest of our Research Centres, the C3 Centre for Creative Industries and Creative Communities.

Our C3 Centre is all about new conceptual and critical insights into practices used by individual artists, collectives and creative thinkers who are passionate about engaging, interacting and co-creating with their surrounding communities.

Online event

Friday 18 June


There will be introductory panel discussions where you can get to know us; panel debates about why we think research in the arts is so important for our post-pandemic resilience; and we will showcase of some of our work. In all of these sessions we welcome you become part of our collective narratives, exploring with us some of the questions that we have been asking in our research projects. For both our researchers and our partner communities, there will also be the opportunity to continue chatting in our Virtual Pub, which will remain open until 20:00 (bring your own drink).

The C3 Centre is one of the newest of Staffordshire University’s Research Centres. It provides a single overarching structure for all staff working with our creative partners through the medium of arts and culture, in relation to the creative and cultural economy, society and sectors. In short, we are less ‘about the arts’ but more about ‘through the arts’. The Centre provides a structural framework for activities that reflect the search for new conceptual and critical insights into practices used by individual artists, collectives and creative thinkers who are passionate about engaging, interacting and co-creating with their surrounding communities. It focusses on those areas of Ceramics, Creative Industry and Creative Communities that make our region so impactful through its creative engagements.

Be part of our community by registering for this launch, where together with external audiences we will explore research, innovation and new creative insights via panel debates, showcases and online spaces for networking.

More info about our C3 Centre at


Register now at