The Stoke Psychologist in the Pub Series takes place on the first Wednesday of the month during the academic year (October-June).
Psychology in the Pub is kindly hosted by the Glebe Pub in Stoke-on-Trent and is within easy walking distance from Staffordshire University and Stoke-on-Trent Railway Station (5-10 minutes).
- It is about a ten minute walk from Stoke-on-Trent train station to The Glebe pub. As you exit the train station, you will see the North Staffordshire Hotel directly in front of you.
- Turn right out of the station. At the end of the road you will see two cube buildings, one brown, one white. Walk towards them.
- You will then come to a set of traffic lights. You want to turn right and head downhill under the train line.
- Walk straight ahead over the bridge. You will cross over both the Trent & Mersey canal and the dual carriageway (the A500).
- You will then come to a set of traffic lights – cross over at the traffic lights and head to the left.
Directions and photographs courtesy of Professor Karen Rodham.