Biology courses at Staffs

Profile image of Josh BeavisIf you’re thinking of studying one of the Biology related subjects at Staffordshire University and you want an idea of what its truly like from a students point of view, you’ve came to the right place.

The main Biology related courses offered at Staffordshire University are;

First of all, during the first year, these courses are fairly similar. However each course may have their own additional modules that are compulsory, but for the majority you will spend a lot of your time with a mixture of students, studying any of the biology courses, extending your general biological knowledge.

Assessments during the first year are frequent… The first year is really there for you to settle in and get used to the level of learning, meaning you’ll be assessed frequently in many different methods. Don’t stress, courses are designed in such a way that the first year wont affect your overall degree grade; at all (as long as you pass).

Second year is where you can really begin to tune your degree to suit you, you’ll get to pick your modules for the second year! (Unless you’re studying the Biomedical Science degree, in this case the modules for the second year are predetermined). If you do however get to choose your modules, make sure you look into their assessment methods and module content to see which suit you.

The third year allows you to tune your degree even further, offering a wide range of modules for you to choose from. In addition this you’ll also get the chance to complete a proper piece of scientific research in your dissertation!

Overall studying Biology at Staffordshire University is everything i personally expected; challenging, rewarding, flexible and most importantly fun. And if you’re after practical skills and hands on experience, Staffordshire University may be the place for you

But don’t just take my word for it. I asked some other students, that study one of the Biology courses, what they think of their course;

Animal Biology and conservation BSc (Hons)– “A great course for a large field of study where there is multiple areas for you to explore and define your future career.”

Biology BSc (Hons)– “Studying this particular course is like being part of a community, where everyone has passion for their own field so you are always being encouraged to pursue whichever path you want to through Biology. That’s probably the best thing about the Biology Award; the diversity.”

Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)– “Provides lots of differing content which appeals to most people, although stressful the course provides an understanding of the issues which a Biomedical Scientist may be faced with. Overall the course provides a good breadth of information which gives a good insight to the area.”

Hope this gave you a bit of an insight!