Aiden's students sitting down in Iraq

Introduction to Aiden

January 29, 2016 Aiden Wylie 0

A low rumble sounds through the January Erbil night.  A flash of light in the distance, followed by another low rumble.  But tonight it is not the lawnmower-like hum of a military drone, or the […]

Christmas and New Year

January 29, 2016 Emma 0

Usually most students enjoy having three to four weeks off over the Christmas and New Year period, and go home. With this being my last ‘Christmas holiday’ as a student I was looking forward to […]


January 27, 2016 Emma 0

You’ll have only missed this if you were living under a rock last week, or were revising for exams (which is pretty much the same thing) but it has been snowing! Personally I’m not a huge […]

2015/2016 rotating cube

2016 – What does it hold for me ?

January 26, 2016 Zach 0

So just like 2015, 2016 holds many more challenges, adventures and obstacles for myself! Some are ones I will share with others, some will be personal and some are ones I look forward to. So […]

Megan McKenna in the Celebrity Big Brother Diary Room 2016

Celebrity Big Brother

January 25, 2016 Charlize 0

  This year I’m sure a lot of us are tuning into CBB as even I myself can’t deny, it’s very entertaining however the housemates haven’t been in very long and there has been ALOT […]

Jaz's Star Wars Cinema ticket


January 25, 2016 Jaz 0

‘These are the blogs you are looking for…’ – Obi Jaz Kenobi What’s up, my padawans? (too cringey?) The title definitely needed that exclamation mark. Now, as I am writing this… it has been exactly […]

Richard negotiating with the village chiefs

Between Semesters in Africa

January 19, 2016 Richard Bretherick 0

The current blog finds me between distance learning semesters on the MA International Policy and Diplomacy. I recently completed the Global Policy Analysis module and will move on to my fourth and final guided module, […]

Graduation Date!

January 18, 2016 Emma 0

Graduation dates for 2016 have been put on the uni website, and now its all becoming very real! I’m sure every year third years start to panic as soon as the dates are confirmed because […]

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