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E3 Mania!

June 24, 2016 Jaz 0

E3 is the latest craze everyone is talking about… well gamers especially. To those that are reading this blog and seem confused and asking themselves questions like ‘What on Earth is E3?’ or ‘Isn’t E3 […]

Houses of Parlament

The EU Referendum

June 22, 2016 Jaz 0

June is an important month for the United Kingdom as we finally as a nation to decide whether we want to stay in the European Union or leave. Now, I’m not personally a political person […]

Two supporters dressed as England players celebrating with a flag

England…Can we still do it ?

June 21, 2016 Zach 0

England… “Everyone seems to know the score, they’ve seen it all before They just know, they’re so sure That England’s gonna throw it away, gonna blow it away But I know they can play, ‘Cause […]

Prison Escape – Could you do it?

June 20, 2016 Emma 0

Ever wanted to try your luck at escaping a prison, at a disused prison? Well now is your chance! Branching out from just giving historical tours and educational visits, Jailhouse Tours have set up their […]

Richard negotiating with the local mayor

Summer is upon us

June 17, 2016 Richard Bretherick 0

I’ve had a couple of weeks’ leave since my last blog. It was delightful to return to the UK and take a break from the crisis which has engulfed Central African Republic. I had attempted […]

Annrose and Friend outside the Lounge

Goodbye Mukky Duck

June 15, 2016 Annrose 0

On 13th of May the last ever Mukky Duck took place in Stafford. It was quite a bittersweet moment as this was the main student night on campus. And although we haven’t always gone to […]

Rebecca's rug that she created of a rocket

Home Sweet Home

June 13, 2016 Rebecca 0

I find the adjustment from going back to live at uni or now coming home quite difficult. I don’t handle change very well and it actually can make me extremely poorly. I love being home […]

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