Clearing with Guaranteed Accommodation

Clearing made clear

August 18, 2016 Lauren 0

This year Staffordshire University are going to do something brand new to us, we’re opening our Clearing line for 36 hours straight! My usual caffeine addiction will go into overdrive during this period. It sounds […]

Clearing hotline opening times from 19-08-16

How we prepare for Clearing

August 17, 2016 Lauren 0

Everyone at Staffordshire University is treated equally and valued the same. Clearing is taken extremely serious here. So whilst people coming through it may think it’s because they aren’t as good as others we don’t! […]

Annrose taking a selfie

A day on placement – Delivery suite

August 17, 2016 Annrose 0

I am currently on my last placement for the second year…delivery suite! It is where most high-risk women come to give birth and because of that it is very fast-paced! It has been quite difficult […]

Palcement advice in the Careers Network

Why Placement is so Important

August 15, 2016 Charlize 2

For those of you that weren’t as lucky as me to have a placement as part of your course, I would highly suggest that you take a placement year if possible. Many graduate jobs require […]

Clearing banner

Will they know I’ve come through Clearing?

August 14, 2016 Lauren 0

Who’s going to know that I’ve come through Clearing? Other students, staff, lecturers? Friends, family, old teachers? The truth is that it’s up to you: no one will know that you came through Clearing unless you […]

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