Rebecca and friends outside BBC London

The Anxieties of Your First Year

August 5, 2016 Rebecca 0

Starting university can be daunting, trust me with an anxiety disorder I had thought up nearly every worst case situation. I was terrified of moving into halls because I can be quite quiet and don’t […]

Rebecca's rug that she created of a rocket

Home Sweet Home

June 13, 2016 Rebecca 0

I find the adjustment from going back to live at uni or now coming home quite difficult. I don’t handle change very well and it actually can make me extremely poorly. I love being home […]

Rebecca with two friends in her kitchen

The End…Of Year One

May 16, 2016 Rebecca 0

I come to you tonight from the flat dining table, this is my last proper night in the flat that is not going to be packing and and sorting everything out. This is tough, I […]

Rebecca with friends at platform 9 3/4

London Trip – April 2016

May 12, 2016 Rebecca 0

In my first year of university I have been really lucky to have been able to go on a couple of trips with my class. To Manchester (A city I had never visited) and then […]

A drinking goblet

My Top 5 Uni Essentials!

May 10, 2016 Rebecca 0

So you’re going to university, which can be daunting on it’s own. But then there’s the question of what should you take to your new home away from home. I’m a obsessive packing person and […]

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