Dear Drew… Unrequited Love

September 21, 2016 Drew 0

Dear Drew, I have feelings for this guy but he has a girlfriend and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t want to ruin our friendship by saying something (or his relationship) […]

Get to Know our Ambassadors

September 21, 2016 Lauren 0

As am ambassador I have lots of stories about what I’ve done, but I thought I’d share their stories and favourite moments of being an ambassador with you…here’s what they said. Kristian Harrison-Second year English […]

Is Homesickness Real?

September 21, 2016 Siân 0

When I moved away from home for uni I was nineteen. I actually couldn’t wait to get out of the house and into my new place, where I’d have a massive room and I’d be […]

5 Ambassadors – 5 Roles

September 20, 2016 Lauren 0

As an ambassador I have the opportunity to work in lots of different roles representing the university. its amazing and I have met so many wonder people and prospective students. Other ambassadors are great, and its […]

Pretty Little Liars

What Happens After Welcome Week?

September 18, 2016 Siân 0

So Welcome Week is over and classes have started. You’ve got that snazzy new pencil case and you’ve promised yourself you won’t doddle on this notepad in between PowerPoint slides, and you’ve already kinda-sorta sussed […]

Raksha Bandhan and Sibling Rivalry

September 16, 2016 Jaz 0

“You can choose your friends but you sho’ can’t choose your family, an’ they’re still kin to you no matter whether you acknowledge ’em or not, and it makes you look right silly when you […]

No Picture

Anxiety and University

September 16, 2016 Annrose 0

Anxiety is a horrible thing. It isn’t just the odd worry about something here or there, it can feel like a dark cloud taking over your mind, your body, your whole life. You can’t do […]

Lauren starting uni

Worried About Starting Uni?

September 10, 2016 Lauren 1

Regardless of your age, background, circumstances or how you’ve ended up coming to university, we will all have worries and fears. For me I thought I was too old, out of fashion, and not up […]

Getting Ready for Welcome Week

September 8, 2016 Alexandra 0

  So now that exams are over it’s likely that you might be thinking about starting university. I know that I thought of nothing else for most of the summer. I was excited but quite […]

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