Clearing Made Clear

Being clear on Clearing

August 7, 2016 Lauren 0

Lets be clear about Clearing – a common myth is that “”Clearing is for failures”” this really isn’t true people coming into clearing for a whole range of reasons, but no matter what it will be a positive change for you and your future career. […]

Rebecca and friends outside BBC London

The Anxieties of Your First Year

August 5, 2016 Rebecca 0

Starting university can be daunting, trust me with an anxiety disorder I had thought up nearly every worst case situation. I was terrified of moving into halls because I can be quite quiet and don’t […]

Lauren having a drink in the Ember Lounge

Being at a Local University

August 2, 2016 Lauren 0

It’s a personal decision whether you choose to stay at home or move away for university. What I can say is that I followed in my families footsteps and stayed local. It worked out better […]

Annroses daily journal

Staying Organised

August 1, 2016 Annrose 0

One of the best things a student, or any person even, can do is to be organised and stay that way! It is easier said than done and I know this because I am one […]

Unitemps logo

A job ? How do I get that ?

July 29, 2016 Zach 0

University, for most it’s the first time you are standing on your own two feet and central to everyone’s survival whether we like it or not is money. For some, your student loan will cover […]

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