Clearing hotline opening times from 19-08-16

How we prepare for Clearing

August 17, 2016 Lauren 0

Everyone at Staffordshire University is treated equally and valued the same. Clearing is taken extremely serious here. So whilst people coming through it may think it’s because they aren’t as good as others we don’t! […]

Clearing Made Clear

What’s Clearing, anyway?

August 11, 2016 Siân 0

The first time I applied to uni through Clearing, way back in 2008, one school had me write my choices in a little box on their website and hope for the best. Another school posted […]

Student reading the book in the library

Clear Headed: How I Ended Up At Uni

August 9, 2016 Siân 0

Everything that happened before I came to university feels like it happened to somebody else. I wish I could say I knew what I wanted fresh out of college at eighteen, and that I had everything under control from then to now, but that’s not true. […]

Clearing Made Clear

Being clear on Clearing

August 7, 2016 Lauren 0

Lets be clear about Clearing – a common myth is that “”Clearing is for failures”” this really isn’t true people coming into clearing for a whole range of reasons, but no matter what it will be a positive change for you and your future career. […]

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Student Discounts and Budgeting!

August 13, 2015 Emma 0

There are always some amazing deals out there for students, some are easy to find, and some are a little harder. With so much food, clothing and jewelry at cheaper rates for students on offer, […]

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Clearing FAQ

August 10, 2015 Emma 0

As part of my work with the ‘Clearing Experts’ I’ve been responding to people on The Student Room who have questions about Clearing, and have noticed that there is a trend in the questions that […]

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