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Review: Klay Pizzeria & Bar

March 15, 2018 Hayley Towns 0

What can I say about Klay? It’s a very unassuming place, tucked into the Cultural Quarter in Hanley surrounded by the likes of the Regent Theatre, Rawr and The Marzipan Pig. And this is no […]

Cheap Eats: 4 Places to Eat in Stoke

December 8, 2017 Maxie 0

You’re a student. That probably means two things – you’re poor, and you’re hungry. I know. I feel you. But fear not! Here’s a quick list of places you can check out in Stoke! Maccies! […]

Ember Lounge means ‘family’

June 19, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello! Now, have you ever come across that old saying that university ‘are the best days of your life’? You see many graduate’s yearning for the university days, wishing they had the opportunity to relive […]

Zach’s Top 3 Places to Eat on Campus

September 20, 2016 Zach 0

One good thing about Staffs Uni, is while you’re studying and going between lectures you will never starve or go thirsty. On campus we have so many places to eat and drink we’re spoilt for […]

Food platter

Eating healthily

May 30, 2016 Alexandra 0

When going to university some people will worry about continuing to eat healthily and some will not care. I do care about how I eat. Eating foods which are bad for us is so easy […]

Outside the Soup Kitchen

Food review: The Soup Kitchen

May 19, 2016 Annrose 0

One of the things in life that makes me happy is good food, so I thought I’d share some of that happiness with you. I went to the Soup Kitchen here in Stafford for my […]

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