Jaz and Rebecca in LRV

An Open Letter to Everyone

January 2, 2016 Jaz 0

“I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams” Hello, There comes a time in your life where you have the opportunity to choose the […]

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The First Semester…

January 1, 2016 Rebecca 0

As the first semester draws to a close and I begin to pack everything away to go home for the christmas holidays I thought I would talk about what my first semester at university has […]

greenpad website

Finding a house for next year

December 27, 2015 Alexandra 0

A few weeks ago it was coming to that time where it was necessary to start house hunting and finding who to live with next year. The group I will be living with next year […]

Vegetables and meat on top of the cooker ready to be served

Christmas at uni

December 17, 2015 Annrose 0

My housemates and I wanted to bring the Christmas spirit to our house here at uni, so we decided to have a Christmas dinner. Since I’ve never really had a proper dinner with friends around […]

Joe and his university friends in LRV

Still a student at heart

December 9, 2015 Joe 0

On Friday I returned to Stoke on Trent, despite having graduated and interning in London, Stoke will always hold a special place in my heart. So many memories, friends and achievements happened because of going to […]

Pictures on a notice board

Feeling homesick at uni

November 30, 2015 Annrose 0

Moving away from home is one of the most liberating things to do. Not only can you experience a degree of freedom (after spending the majority of your life living with strict parents), but it […]

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Living in Halls

April 20, 2015 Charlize 0

I can remember living in halls last year like it was yesterday! Flat parties and all our housemates going out together for a birthday meal. The thing I disliked most about halls was my bedroom, […]

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March 2, 2015 Charlize 0

“Relationships in University never last” I’ve lost count of the amount of times I have heard that from different people. I recall in first year that many people including some of my flat mates came into university in […]

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Beating Low Confidence

February 9, 2015 Charlize 0

I know people are battling shyness, me being one of those people and coming to university, especially if you have come alone can make things even worse. When it comes to talking to people and […]

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Balancing Act

February 9, 2015 Emma 0

One of the things most students don’t think will be a problem is balancing their studies with going out. University is nothing like school, you have much less timetabled contact time with lecturers, which means […]

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