School Uniform

University vs. School

August 26, 2016 Siân 0

The transition from college or sixth form to uni can be a big one, especially if you’re moving away from home. There are sooo many differences between being at school and being at university, so […]

I hear you have a problem

What I wish I’d known about Clearing

August 26, 2016 Siân 0

So having been through Clearing twice you’d think I had little to nothing to learn about it, right? Well, I’ve learnt plenty and I’m still being surprised. There’s things I’ve discovered helping the Clearing Team […]

Student reading the book in the library

Clear Headed: How I Ended Up At Uni

August 9, 2016 Siân 0

Everything that happened before I came to university feels like it happened to somebody else. I wish I could say I knew what I wanted fresh out of college at eighteen, and that I had everything under control from then to now, but that’s not true. […]

Oprah saying Yeah! in a gif

The Steps of Life

April 1, 2016 Queenie 0

The small steps you take in life are very important. It may seem like its nothing at the time, but everything links together at the end. I am a Christian so I am a strong […]

Queenie in her prom dress

A University throwback

February 4, 2016 Queenie 0

New year is always about looking forward and leaving the past behind. But over the past few days I have found myself looking back at my Instagram posts. They act as a life time line […]

A letter to my young self…

November 5, 2015 Queenie 0

This past month has been pretty exciting for me. Mostly because it was the first time since graduation that I felt some sort of change in my life. For a while I was beginning to […]

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