DTA Research Seminar Series 2022-23 – Research Frameworks #2

Event Details

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COLLABORATIONS Working across teams, cocreating and other fruitful research partnerships

WED DEC 7 TH 3.305.00P.M : CA204

DR. NEIL BROWNSWORD. Prof. Brownsword is an artist, researcher and educator. His
research into the legacy of deindustrialisation in relation to North Staffordshire’s ceramic industry has had national and international cultural impact, through reactivating associated postindustrial spaces and endangered industrial crafts.

DR. MARIA MARTINEZ SANCHEZ. Maria is Associate Professor of Architecture and the
Course Leader of the BArch (Hons) Architecture. She holds a PhD in Architecture and has a professional background in theatre and performance design, specializing in space design within devising theatre processes.


DTA Research Seminar Series 2022-23 – Research Frameworks