Psychology Careers Fair 2016: Improving Students’ Employability!

The Psychology department are pleased to announce that the Annual Psychology Careers Fair will take place on Wednesday 9th March 2016, 12-4pm, in the Science Centre Foyer.Psychology Careers Fair 2016

Careers Fair (March 15)

Students and exhibitors at last year’s Careers Fair

Attending this event will be a number of graduate employers and organisations including Saltbox, In Mind, Douglas Macmillan, and Think Ahead, amongst others. Each of these exhibitors will be able to discuss volunteering opportunities, potential job vacancies and information on careers with their organisations.

In addition to these external organisations, the Staffordshire University Careers team will be available to talk to students about the services offered by the University’s Careers Network including the use of E-Coach, CV writing, and job hunting. There will be also be stalls with information on postgraduate opportunities in Psychology at Staffordshire University with current postgraduate students willing to chat to attendees to provide insight from the students perspective on studying at postgraduate level at Staffordshire University.

Dr Heather Semper, Employability lead for Psychology.

The School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University is a leading School in the UK for Psychology degrees and is situated in the heart of England.  We produce internationally recognized research which is driving knowledge in this area forward and we work with a variety of healthcare providers, charities, international sports teams and private sector organisations.

For more information or details of the wide range of Psychology degrees on offer at Staffordshire University please visit our website and our courses page.

Student Blog – Iram: International Travel, Employability & Business Psychology

Hi, my name is Iram and I am a final year Single Honours Psychology student here at Staffordshire University. Below is a post introducing a new module I will be undertaking as part of my degree studies:

During Business Week at the University I attended a talk by Louise Holland from Holland Alexander, who is also a Staffordshire University Graduate. She explained what challenges you would face when starting and running your own business and what individual skills and qualities are required. During the talk I was wondering how psychology would relate to business.

One of the great things about psychology is it can be applied to many different areas such as Health Psychology, Forensic Psychology and Counselling, but I had not heard a lot about psychology in the business area. But this was about to change when I attended a talk by Lesley Drumm, the award leader for BSc (Hons) Applied Computing. She introduced a new module: Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurial Application for Transforming Education in High Technologies, otherwise known as IDEATE High Tech. This module offers a unique opportunity for students from four different European countries; Finland, Lithuania, Slovenia and United Kingdom to work as a team and develop a business idea whilst building an entrepreneurial attitude.

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Turku, Finland

The aim of this module is to understand how to overcome contemporary challenges, environmental issues such as social equality and health and use important skills such as creative thinking and decision making for innovative business solutions. Students are required to work together online and travel to Turku, Finland as well as Vilnius, Lithuania to work together face-to-face. Even though most of the challenge information will be provided when we travel to Finland, we have been told the topic revolves around ‘technology addiction’.

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Vilnius, Lithuania

I was lucky enough to be one of the four students selected for this exciting module and I feel this will be a great opportunity to expand my psychological knowledge and work in a completely different subject. I am nervous as I have not studied or worked in the business area but being a Psychology student I understand how much of a growing topic ‘technology addiction’ is. So it will be beneficial to see how we can work together and use previous research to build new technologies with care to prevent negative health behaviours. I am also looking forward to placing my quantitative skills to gather appropriate market research. As well as of course enjoying the course, the travelling and working alongside international students and seeing how our ideas and work fit together.

The other fellow students selected for this module are:

Will, L5, BSc (Hons) Applied Computing: “I am nervous about the tasks ahead, but the experience of working in a different country is making me feel more excited.”

William, L5, BSc (Hons) Applied Computing: “I am excited to see how people from different cultures look and react to internet and technological addiction.”

Elizabeth, L6, BSc (Hons) Animal biology and Conservation: “I am really looking forward to studying in a different country and learning how students from other countries approach their work.”

Iram will be writing regular blogs as she works on the IDEATE module over the next few months – keep checking back for the latest updates on Iram’s business venture!

The School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University is a leading School in the UK for Psychology degrees and is situated in the heart of England.  We produce internationally recognized research which is driving knowledge in this area forward and we work with a variety of healthcare providers, charities, international sports teams and private sector organisations.

For more information or details of the wide range of Psychology degrees on offer at Staffordshire University please visit our website and our courses page.

Counselling Open Evening, 6pm, Wednesday 10th February

The Psychology Department at Staffordshire University are hosting an Open Evening on Wednesday 10th February (6-8pm) for their counselling courses.

Counselling provides a safe space for people to talk about their experiences, explore feelings and make changes in a safe environment. Our Basic Skills and Certificate courses offer the opportunity to gain an excellent grounding in the use of counselling skills
in a variety of settings. Studying at Diploma level will allow you to become qualified to practise safely as a counsellor.

Our counselling team are highly qualified and experienced. They are counselling practitioners who work in a variety of settings and use a range of different therapeutic approaches. All of our counselling courses will help you to understand yourself and others better.

We offer a full suite of counselling awards from a ten week introductory course to a three year Masters in Psychotherapeutic Counselling award:

Introduction to Basic Counselling Skills
University Certificate in Counselling
Postgraduate Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling*
Professional Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling*
MSc Psychotherapeutic Counselling

* Accredited by the British Association of BACP Course Accred logoCounselling & Psychotherapy.

Further details about our Pg/Prof Diploma/MSc in Psychotherapeutic Counselling can be found via the below video:

Counselling Courses Open Evening

The Open Evening will include the opportunity to:

  • Learn more about our courses in Counselling (ranging from the Introductory 10 week course to the MSc in Psychotherapeutic Counselling)
  • Explore the counselling facilities in our multi-million pound Science Centre
  • Meet our friendly team of experienced tutors
  • Get advice about the application process

Time: 6-8pm, Wednesday 10th February
Venue: Staffordshire University Leek Road Campus, ST4 2DF
Room: R333 Science Centre

Places are limited so booking is essential. To book your place at the Open Evening please contact Dr Emily Buckley on


Dr Daniel Jolley featured on BBC Radio Scotland discussing Conspiracy Theories

Dec DJ BBC Radio StokeDr Daniel Jolley, Lecturer in Psychology, was featured on BBC Radio Scotland’s Stephen Jardine Show discussing why people believe in conspiracy theories and his research into the psychology of conspiracy theories.

Dan’s interview starts from 1:52:30 and can be heard via BBC iPlayer: Stephen Jardine Show (29/1/2016)*

(*Link expires end February 2016)

The School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University is a leading School in the UK for Psychology degrees and is situated in the heart of England.  We produce internationally recognized research which is driving knowledge in this area forward and we work with a variety of healthcare providers, charities, international sports teams and private sector organisations.

For more information or details of the wide range of Psychology degrees on offer at Staffordshire University please visit our website and our courses page.

Dr Helen Combes featured on BBC Radio Stoke discussing Blue Monday

Jan16 Helen C

Dr Helen Combes

Dr Helen Combes, Clinical Psychologist and Principal Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at Staffordshire University, was featured on BBC Radio Stoke discussing Blue Monday with Perry Spiller’s radio show:

BBC Radio Stoke – Perry Spiller Show (from 47 minutes) (link available until 16th February 2016)

Dr Combes discussed how changes in activity levels and reinforcements (i.e. rewards associated with the Christmas/New Year holidays) may lead to a “come down” in human behaviour and emotional well-being.

The School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University is a leading School in the UK for Psychology degrees and is situated in the heart of England.  We produce internationally recognized research which is driving knowledge in this area forward and we work with a variety of healthcare providers, charities, international sports teams and private sector organisations.

For more information or details of the wide range of Psychology degrees on offer at Staffordshire University please visit our website and our courses page.

New Study into Pathological Demand Avoidance & Parental Wellbeing

Jan 16 Sarah Rose

Dr Sarah Rose

Dr Sarah Rose, Lecturer in Psychology & Course Leader for Staffordshire University’s BSc in Psychology & Child Development, blogs on her current research in Developmental Psychology including a new study being conducted with a Masters student:

If I said to you that I knew a child who had been diagnosed as having autism you would probably have some idea of the type of behaviour that this child might display. But what if I said to you that I knew a child with suspected Pathological Demand Avoidance… you probably would be less sure.

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a recently recognised sub-type of autism. Children, and adults, with this disorder appear to be socially quite adept, can engage in role play and pretending but have extreme difficulty with demands and expectations from others. Consequently, even the simplest daily activities, such as getting dressed when asked to, can become a huge drama.

As PDA has only recently been recognised, many clinicians and educators seem to know little about it and there has only been a handful of research articles published on the topic. Parents of these children are likely to need a lot of support, as their children can often present severe behavioural challenges. A quick look on forums for parents tell us that many have struggled to get a diagnoses and many feel that they have been wrongly accused of poor parenting.

Jan 16 Mandi Baker

Amanda Baker

At Staffordshire University Amanda Baker, a student studying for her MSc in Applied Research in Psychology, is investigating the associations between children with suspected and diagnosed Autism and PDA and the parent’s well-being along with the impact it has on the family.

(August 2016 update) We have completed recruitment for this study and are currently in the process of analysing the data with a view to publicising the findings in the near future.


Dr Sarah Rose is a Lecturer in Psychology and a member of the School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University, a leading School in the UK for Psychology degrees situated in the heart of England.  We produce internationally recognized research which is driving knowledge in this area forward and we work with a variety of healthcare providers, charities, international sports teams and private sector organisations.

For more information or details of the wide range of Psychology degrees on offer at Staffordshire University please visit our website and our courses page. For further information about our MSc by Applied Research please visit our course page.

Follow the latest news and updates from Staffordshire University’s Centre for Psychological Research via the #StaffsPsyRes twitter hashtag.

BACP Accreditation for Staffordshire’s PG/Prof Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling

Doreen Fleet, Senior Lecturer in Counselling, reports on a successful accreditation outcome for the Counselling Team at Staffordshire University:

The Counselling Team at Staffordshire University are pleased to announce that the Psychotherapeutic Postgraduate/Professional Diploma in Counselling has now achieved accreditation from the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

Jan 16 Counselling Team

Staffordshire University’s Counselling Lecturers

A lot of hard work went into the application process which included a visit by BACP representatives. Their visit included assessing the course documents, observing the facilities and speaking to some of the current staff and students.

Following their visit, the BACP provided written feedback stating “From the submission and the course visit, it is clear that that the course is founded and run on an integrative counselling framework which includes Person-Centred, Cognitive Behavioural, Systemic, Psychodynamic and Attachment Approaches.  This is a well-structured and well-resourced course with excellent accommodation and facilities. The teaching staff are experienced and knowledgeable and the quality of the teaching appears to be excellent. Students appeared to be well engaged and well supported on this course”.

Dr Peter Jones, Head of the School of Psychology, Sport & Exercise, commented: “Its very pleasing to achieved BACP accreditation for two reasons. Firstly it’s a mark of quality for our courses and secondly it reflects the hard work that was put into the accreditation. The process of achieving BACP accreditation is long and robust process and demonstrates the quality of our academic counselling staff”.


The School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University offers a range of qualifications in counselling and psychology. For more information about the wide range of Psychology degrees on offer please visit our website and our courses page.

Are you interested in studying for a Counselling qualification?

Staffordshire University offers counselling courses ranging from Foundation Degrees with local partner colleges, undergraduate degrees (including a British Psychological Society accredited BSc Psychology and Counselling degree) and postgraduate counselling qualifications at our Stoke-on-Trent City Campus:

A Successful Evening of Weird and Wonderful Psychology!

The Psychology department at Staffordshire University organised a successful community event, “Weird and Wonderful Psychology”, hosted in the University’s £30 million Science Centre in December 2015. Dr Robert Dempsey and Dr Nichola Street report on a highly entertaining “Weird & Wonderful Psychology” event:

cropped-Dec-15-WW-Psychology-Plasma.jpgOur event showcased some of the more unusual, fantastic and quite odd aspects of Psychology to an audience of visitors from the general public, students from local sixth form colleges, as well as staff and students from Staffordshire University. The event including a range of live demonstrations featuring the industry standard equipment used by staff and students in the Psychology department’s teaching and research activities.

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A Busy Science Centre

These demonstrations included the use facial ageing software to show visitors the potential effects of alcohol and smoking on facial appearance (as used in our health psychology research), using goggles to show the effects of macular degeneration and alcohol use on performance on simple day-to-day tasks, mindfulness-boosting activities, and whether we can use physiological measures of the stress response to detect when people are lying.

We even subjected the Head of the School of Psychology, Sport & Exercise, Dr Peter Jones, to our Human Lie Detector study – who was ably caught out by our Dr Gemma Hurst’s skills at detecting when he was lying!

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In addition to demonstrations by our Psychology lecturers, the event also included a number of demonstrations devised and performed by our Second Year Undergraduate Psychology students. Our students were tasked with designing and pitching their Weird & Wonderful demonstration as part of their Social Psychology module seminars, with the winners demonstrating their activity live on the night including delivering a short talk in front of our invited guests.

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Our “MindControllers” Student Group – investigating obedience and conformity!

Needless to say, our students did a fantastic job of performing their demonstrations on the night, including explaining how their activity demonstrates psychological phenomena to our invited guests. Our students demonstrated how we can unknowingly change our behaviours to authority figures, whether particular personality traits make for better leaders, how we can conform to perceived norms and obey authority figures, the “Chameleon Effect” when we change our expressions to match those of other people during “selfies”, through film showing how we can’t always see things changing in front of our eye known as “Inattentional Blindness“, and the power of stereotyping other people based on their appearance (see below for pictures).

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The Great British Psychology Bake-Off!

As part of the evening’s activities, a Psychology bake-off competition was held which featured assorted cakes and baked goods demonstrating various aspects of Psychology. Including Sigmund Freud Mince Pies, a Brain cake, the Big 5 Personality Traits, The Muller-Lyer Optical Illusion, gingerbread people demonstrating Twin Studies and Gender Stereotyping, as well as a unique set of cakes demonstrating a positive correlation (and a statistical outlier!) which were voted the winner of the Bake Off!

Dec15 WW Cakes GridVoting & Talks on Weird & Wonderful Psychology!

The event culminated in the attendees voting for the best student demonstration from the evening – with The Mind Controller’s winning first place with their demonstration exploring how individuals’ behaviour can be influenced and exploring the psychological fields of conformity and obedience. The event also featured a series of short talks by lecturers from the department on their research interests relating to the weirder and unusual aspects of Psychology, including Dr Daniel Jolley on “Climate Change is a Hoax! The Psychology of Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories”, Dr Andrew Edmonds on “Jesus in Toast – Why People see Faces in Unusual Places”, and Mel Hall on “Who You Gonna Call! Ghostbusters? The Psychology of the Paranormal”. All talks were well received by the audience and showcased some of the interesting and exciting research happening in the department.

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Mel Hall’s Talk on Parapsychology

Mel even gave a live demonstration of her psychic abilities by asking the audience to guess which number she was thinking of, with the majority correctly and spookily guessing “7”! Although there was a slight twist – our staff and students kept repeating the number 7 during the earlier demonstrations, so we’re not completely sure whether our colleague Mel is really psychic despite her claims otherwise!

The evening was a fantastic and very enjoyable event, and we were very pleased to see our guests getting enthused about Psychology and very proud of our students who presented their demonstrations in an engaging and professional manner.

Judy David, Academic Group Lead for Undergraduate Psychology at Staffordshire University, commented: “I was proud of how enthusiastically students and staff approached this event. So many people contributed, and it was great fun to be able to show off some of the more strange aspects of Psychology to both the public and our own students. There were some very interesting and stimulating activities and talks. I’m already looking forward to next year!

Dr Peter Jones, Head of the School of Psychology, Sport & Exercise, said: “I really love our Weird and Wonderful event. It’s great how it allows our students to showcase the importance of Psychology and how touches every part of our lives, plus it also involves the wider public as Staffordshire University is such an important part of our community”.

The School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise at Staffordshire University is a leading School in the UK for Psychology degrees and is situated in the heart of England.  We produce internationally recognized research which is driving knowledge in this area forward and we work with a variety of healthcare providers, charities, international sports teams and private sector organisations.

For more information or details of the wide range of Psychology degrees on offer at Staffordshire University please visit our website and our courses page.

New Research into Stereotypes of Ageing funded by Staffordshire University


Dr Amy Burton

Dr Amy Burton and Dr Sarah Dean, Senior Lecturers in Psychology, have been successful in securing funding from the Staffordshire University REF2020 research scheme to explore ageing stereotypes. Amy blogs on their research plans:

In the UK there are currently 10 million people aged 65 and above and it is predicted that this will reach 19 million by 2050 (Cracknell, 2010). Average life expectancy has increased steadily but healthy life expectancy has not matched this, meaning additional demands are being placed on services such as the NHS (Cracknell, 2010). It is recognised both within academic literature (e.g. Reed, Stanley, & Clarke, 2004) and in the work of charities (e.g. Age UK, 2013) that research is crucial to understanding the experiences of older adults in order to break down the barriers preventing them from active participation in society and healthy ageing. Such research will have a substantial impact on the health and well-being of older adults.

Dec 15 AB SD REF2020 piece

Sarah Dean profile pic

Dr Sarah Dean

Dr Burton’s research into barriers and facilitators to physical activity in older people with sight loss highlighted an important psychological concept in need of further exploration (Burton, Clancy, & Cowap, n.d. Under Review). During focus groups participants frequently used examples of negative self-directed stereotypes to justify reduced participation in physical activity (e.g. Young adults, rather than 70 or 80 year olds […] they are the ones that really need all of the exercise and can actually do it’). Stereotype Embodiment Theory proposes that age stereotypes can be internalised by individuals across the lifespan (Levy, 2009). Such self-directed stereotypes have been implicated in reductions in cognitive functioning and physical health (Levy, 2003).  Furthermore, evidence suggests that attributing illness and functional decline to old age and holding the belief that ‘to be old is to be ill’ is associated with negative health outcomes and reductions in health maintenance behaviours (Beyer, Wolff, Warner, Schüz, & Wurm, 2015; Stewart, Chipperfield, Perry, & Weiner, 2012).

Dr Burton and Dr Dean will be using the REF2020 funding to further explore and define the ageing stereotypes held by people living in the UK and how self-directed stereotypes impact on health and wellbeing outcomes for older people.

Drs Burton and Dean are members of Staffordshire University’s Centre for Health Psychology, a centre of excellence for teaching and research in health psychology, and are course leaders for Staffordshire’s BPS Accredited Stage 1 MSc in Health Psychology. The Centre for Health Psychology is part of the School of Psychology, Sport and Exercise, one of the leading research-active academic schools for Psychology and Sport degrees situated in the heart of England.

For further information about Health Psychology courses and research at Staffordshire University please visit the following webpages:


Me-Therapy: A new online mindfulness-based resource for people dealing with cancer


Dr Rachel Povey

Trainee Health Psychologist Szilvia Vas together with her supervisor Dr Rachel Povey, Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology at Staffordshire University and member of the Centre for Health Psychology, are recruiting participants to trial their new mindfulness-based online resource “Me-Therapy”.

Me-therapy was originally conceptualized by Miss Vas and developed together with Dr Povey as a resource for improving body image and managing physical changes associated with cancer. The trial is being conducted jointly with CancerCare US, and is free for anyone who would like to take part.

Participating in this online program is a unique opportunity for anyone facing cancer, as it gives men and women the chance to work through some of the body-image changes that they might be struggling with during or after treatment,” says CancerCare Social Work Internship Programme Director, Maria Chi. The program provides tools to help people become more mindful of the present moment and how their thinking patterns directly affect what they’re feeling.”

Dec15 MeTherapy RP Blog

Me-therapy was inspired through Miss Vas’ work at the Douglas MacMillan Hospice in Stoke-on-Trent. The programme includes video clips, audio resources and mindfulness exercises to teach participants how to challenge unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that characterize negative body image. Participants are also provided with direct email support as they are provided with trained “body image buddies” to better address users’ unique needs.

Participants must be 18 years of age or older. To register, visit

For more details of this trial, please visit the Cancer Research UK website.

Staffordshire University is home to the Centre for Health Psychology, a centre of excellence for teaching and research in health psychology. For further information about Health Psychology courses and research at Staffordshire University please visit the following webpages: