Dr Alison Owen featured on BBC One’s Inside Out Programme

Dr Alison Owen, Lecturer in Psychology at Staffordshire University, was featured on the West Midlands’ edition of BBC1’s Inside Out programme broadcast on Monday 23rd February.

Alison was featured on a segment focused on the dangers of sun exposure as BBC journalist Laura McMullan, a former tanning addict and cancer survivor, takes a young woman (Jess) from Stoke-on-Trent on an exploration of the health risks associated with excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Alison can be seen showing Jess and Laura the potential negative effects of Jess’s current UV exposure on the health of Jess’s skin at age 70 based on computer modelling. The Inside Out programme can be viewed via the BBC iPlayer link below. Further details about the programme and Laura McMullan’s story can be found via the Stoke Sentinel link.

BBC iPlayer: Inside Out West Midlands (Broadcast 23rd February 2015)

Stoke Sentinel: BBC’s Laura McMullan speaks of skin cancer battle after becoming addicted to sunbeds

New InPsych Blog launched by Staffordshire University’s Psychology Department


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The InPsych team.