Annrose’s Summer in Amsterdam

October 26, 2016 Annrose 0

So, summer seems like it was a lifetime ago, but I thought it would be nice to reminisce on mine by sharing it in the form of a vlog. I visit Amsterdam quite regularly and […]

Student Midwives

Student Midwife Conference

October 2, 2016 Annrose 0

A couple of weeks ago, the current third years hosted and presented a conference called ‘Expect the Unexpected’ for student midwives here who are studying or will be starting here at Staffordshire University. It was an […]

No Picture

Anxiety and University

September 16, 2016 Annrose 0

Anxiety is a horrible thing. It isn’t just the odd worry about something here or there, it can feel like a dark cloud taking over your mind, your body, your whole life. You can’t do […]

Annrose taking a selfie

A day on placement – Delivery suite

August 17, 2016 Annrose 0

I am currently on my last placement for the second year…delivery suite! It is where most high-risk women come to give birth and because of that it is very fast-paced! It has been quite difficult […]

Annroses daily journal

Staying Organised

August 1, 2016 Annrose 0

One of the best things a student, or any person even, can do is to be organised and stay that way! It is easier said than done and I know this because I am one […]

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