A little monkey in a tree at the Monkey Forest with its tongue sticking out

Monkey Forest

April 15, 2016 Kris 0

With winter now behind us and the weather getting better lots of attractions around Staffordshire are starting to open again for the summer season. One of my personal favourites is the Monkey Forest at the […]

Nandos sign at the Hive

Stoke-on-Trent has a Nando’s!!

February 24, 2016 Kris 0

How far would you travel for a Nando’s? Well, I’ve been clocking up the miles traveling out of Staffordshire to get my fix. But there’s good news, and Peri-Peri on the horizon. The Hive at […]

Hockey goal keeper trying to defend a shot


October 28, 2015 Kris 0

Have you ever wanted to hit a 163g ball at speeds of around 60mph? And then have you ever wanted to get in its way to stop an opponent scoring? Well if so Hockey is […]

Biology Society

October 14, 2015 Kris 0

When you think about University clubs and societies you may be mistaken to think that it’s all about clubs such as Football, Rugby or Hockey and societies such as Acting, Radio and TV, but an increasing […]