Palcement advice in the Careers Network

Why Placement is so Important

August 15, 2016 Charlize 2

For those of you that weren’t as lucky as me to have a placement as part of your course, I would highly suggest that you take a placement year if possible. Many graduate jobs require […]

Clearing banner

Will they know I’ve come through Clearing?

August 14, 2016 Lauren 0

Who’s going to know that I’ve come through Clearing? Other students, staff, lecturers? Friends, family, old teachers? The truth is that it’s up to you: no one will know that you came through Clearing unless you […]

Keep Calm on Results Day

How to stay calm before Results Day

August 13, 2016 Taofiqah 0

Calm your mind – take a quiet walk outside to refresh your mind, take deep breaths and remain calm. Don’t compare your answers to anyone else’s, they could be wrong or right so comparing isn’t […]

students learning how to use the metal workshop

Why a foundation year was good!

August 12, 2016 Zach 0

A-level results day is fast approaching, and there’s thousands of students with mixed emotions waiting to find out what they got, whether all that hard work paid off but mostly importantly if they are going […]

Clearing Made Clear

What’s Clearing, anyway?

August 11, 2016 Siân 0

The first time I applied to uni through Clearing, way back in 2008, one school had me write my choices in a little box on their website and hope for the best. Another school posted […]

Clearing Made Clear

What happens when I phone Clearing?

August 11, 2016 Lauren 0

Making that first contact with the Clearing hotline can be a little nerve-wracking. So this will let you know how the call will flow and what questions you’ll be asked. And Gru is doing impressions […]

Birthday Pictures

Birthday Weekend

August 10, 2016 Charlize 0

  So I finally celebrated my 21st Birthday on the 10th July and I had such an amazing day!! I’ve been waiting to turn 21 since I was 13 and when the day finally came […]

Student reading the book in the library

Clear Headed: How I Ended Up At Uni

August 9, 2016 Siân 0

Everything that happened before I came to university feels like it happened to somebody else. I wish I could say I knew what I wanted fresh out of college at eighteen, and that I had everything under control from then to now, but that’s not true. […]

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