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My Goals For This Academic Year

January 19, 2017 Annrose 0

It’s a new year and most definitely not a new me. I am still very shy, a procrastinator and a worrier. But I have thought of some goals to set myself for this academic year, […]

Keeping Fit on a Student Budget

January 19, 2017 Alexandra 0

Keeping fit at university is not everyone’s first thought but it is important as it will help you in the long run of life and help you to study better. However, keeping fit can seem […]

2016: A Retrospective Look Back

December 20, 2016 Jaz 0

Hello! 2016… It’s been quite the wild one, eh? It’s funny, I speak of it as it being over already but right now as you read this, I’m sitting at my desk on the second […]

Going Home for Christmas

December 12, 2016 Alexandra 0

Christmas holidays are a lovely opportunity to have a break from university and see family or take time for yourself even if you don’t celebrate Christmas. I personally do celebrate Christmas in a big way. […]

Top 5 Shows To Watch On Netflix

November 21, 2016 Annrose 1

After you have been spending hours writing your essays and attending your lectures, there’s nothing quite like lying in your bed and binge-watching tv shows. Nowadays there are so many shows to watch so it […]

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