The Reasons I Chose Staffs

August 21, 2017 Jaz 0

Hello, Now, I often get asked by my family and friends (that aren’t attending Staffs) why I chose to study at Staffordshire University. What I always found intriguing about that question is that there was […]

5 Icebreakers For Your New Flatmates

August 20, 2017 Maxie 0

So you’re all moved into your new flat, you’ve kicked your parents out, everything’s quiet and there’s just on challenge left – the flatmates. It’s daunting; being thrown into a new situation with 3-12 new […]

Ember Lounge regeneration

August 5, 2017 Zach 0

A new Ember lounge is coming! If you’re already at Staffs, you’ll know that this place is the centre of day to day uni life – and if you’re not here yet, you’re in for […]

It’s LGBT History Month! ?️‍?

February 10, 2017 Drew 0

February every year marks LGBT History Month here in the UK, and before we go into the whole ‘Well what about Straight History Month?’ thing, let me just address it now. Similar to that of […]

Is Being An Academic Rep Worth it?

September 28, 2016 Siân 0

If you’re a fan of Resident Evil, you’ll understand why I got excited when I learnt that there was something called STARS in my first year at Staffs. Uni must be pretty intense if it […]

Welcomed Back by Welcome Week

September 26, 2016 Drew 0

And what a week it was! Setting foot on campus again after a long summer, it felt like I had never left. Seeing all the familiar faces dotted around, it was hard to realise that […]

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