It’s LGBT History Month! ?️‍?

February 10, 2017 Drew 0

February every year marks LGBT History Month here in the UK, and before we go into the whole ‘Well what about Straight History Month?’ thing, let me just address it now. Similar to that of […]

Stress and you

January 31, 2017 Zach 0

Stress is a very common thing everyone experiences, sometimes people experience stress and they won’t even realise it or notice that is stress and put it down to something else. For me recently I’ve experienced […]

Clearing hotline opening times from 19-08-16

How we prepare for Clearing

August 17, 2016 Lauren 0

Everyone at Staffordshire University is treated equally and valued the same. Clearing is taken extremely serious here. So whilst people coming through it may think it’s because they aren’t as good as others we don’t! […]

Annroses daily journal

Staying Organised

August 1, 2016 Annrose 0

One of the best things a student, or any person even, can do is to be organised and stay that way! It is easier said than done and I know this because I am one […]

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