#AllStokedUp: My Favourite On-Campus Venue

October 6, 2016 1

In preparation for the #AllStokedUp Campus Launch Party, I thought I would talk about one of my favourite venues on campus…Ember Lounge. This is definitely the place at uni that I spend the most of my […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of Stoke Con Trent

October 4, 2016 0

Another year, another opportunity for nerds in and around the Staffordshire area to celebrate everything sci-fi, fantasy, anime, gaming, movie, comic, and adjacent. Stoke-Con-Trent rolled around again, and the campus was abuzz with all things […]

Welcomed Back by Welcome Week

September 26, 2016 0

And what a week it was! Setting foot on campus again after a long summer, it felt like I had never left. Seeing all the familiar faces dotted around, it was hard to realise that […]

Zach with friends in a Madagascar photo

Theme park season is a GO GO GO

April 22, 2016 0

Theme parks, something very topical at the moment but for me, they are my addiction. From November I count down to the following March to know how long until I can get my next thrill […]

pool table with cue ball in main focus

What to do at Staffs Uni

April 6, 2016 0

So you’re coming to Staffordshire University this year, ready to learn and study hard right? You’ll be expecting lectures, assignments and tonnes of work, but what nobody tells you or advises you on is how […]

Cineworld logo and symbol on the wall

Movies coming 2016

March 25, 2016 0

The movies – My top 3 picks 2016 is a huge year for movies filled with huge blockbusters, romance and comedies this year really has it all! In this post I’m going to take a […]

2015/2016 rotating cube

2016 – What does it hold for me ?

January 26, 2016 0

So just like 2015, 2016 holds many more challenges, adventures and obstacles for myself! Some are ones I will share with others, some will be personal and some are ones I look forward to. So […]

Hermiony Granger

10 Things To Do In An Empty Flat…

December 11, 2015 0

So all of my flat mates have gone home for the weekend, a privalege that not all of us, including myself have. Clarice Cliff Court can be pretty quiet on the weekends as it is, […]

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