Missing Persons Book Published

Handbook of Missing PersonsDr. Caroline Sturdy Colls, an Associate Professor of Forensic Archaeology and Genocide Investigation at the Centre of Archaeology, and Dr Stephen J. Morewitz, a Lecturer in the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences at California State University East Bay have edited the first interdisciplinary Handbook of Missing Persons. This landmark publication surveys the science, forensics, politics, and ethics involved in responding to missing persons cases.

The book, which was published by Springer, has already received the San Jose University Faculty Author Award.

International experts across the physical and social sciences offer data, case examples, and insights on best practices, new methods, and emerging specialties that may be employed in investigations. Topics such as secondary victimization, privacy issues, DNA identification, and the challenges of finding victims of war and genocide highlight the uncertainties and complexities surrounding these cases as well as possibilities for location and recovery. Two of the constributors included Staffordshire University staff members, Dr Claire Gwinnett and Dr Sarah Fieldhouse, who provided chapters on trace evidence and fingerprint evidence in missing persons cases.

The book’s diverse presentation will assist professionals in accessing new ideas, collaborating with colleagues, and handling missing persons cases with greater efficiency—and potentially greater certainty. The depth and scope of its expertise make the Handbook of Missing Persons useful for criminal justice and forensic professionals, health care and mental health professionals, social scientists, legal professionals, policy leaders, community leaders, and military personnel, as well as for the general public.

More information about the book can be found on Springer’s website.