Dig for Arch Update

The Digital Forensic Archaeology project team have recently participated in a number of high profile events to present the results of our work and have undertaken fieldwork in Cyprus.

Dante Abate participated at the European Researcher’s Night which took place at the Carob Mill in Limassol, Cyprus, on the 28 September 2018. This follows on from a period of fieldwork in Cyprus. The Digital Forensic Archaeology project team completed a week aerial and terrestrial forensic campaign, in collaboration with the Committee for Missing persons in Cyprus. A Ground Penetrating survey, coupled with aerial data collection using drones, has been realized on 3 sites were mass graves belonging to inter-communal fights of the 1963 and 1974 are presumed to exist. This follows on from fieldwork undertaken in 2017. The results of the work will be published soon.

Elsewhere, Richard Harper, Dave Edwards and William Mitchell presented our work surrounding virtual reality at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham on the 30th September 2018.

The Digital Forensic Archaeology Project runs until 2019 and focuses on the innovative application of digital techniques to the investigation of crime scenes.

Download our European Researchers Night Postcard