Ermelinda graduated as an archaeologist from the University of Tirana, Albania, in 2003 and completed her Masters in the application of modern technologies in archaeology at the University of Siena, Italy, in 2005. She has excavated widely across a number of sites in Albania, including the UNESCO site of Butrint, and also in Italy. Previously, Ermelinda worked as a research assistant for the International Centre of Albanian Archaeology, and was the research lead for ‘The Future of Albanian’s Past’ project, which focused on recording archaeological sites in Albania using non-invasive techniques. After a career break of 13 years raising four children, Ermelinda started her PhD in 2020 entitled ‘The Rise of the Tumulus: The Eternal Living Monument of Bronze and Iron Age Albania’. Her interest lies beyond archaeology and forensic archaeology, and she is an active member of several PGR groups at Staffordshire University.
Research Interests
Monumental and funerary landscapes Memory, emotions, sensory and identity Bereavement and dealing with death Mediterranean prehistory Nationalistic agendas and the politics of archaeology Genocide studies and mass grave identification in Kosovo
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Early Career Archaeologists, EAA Community Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) CIfA Early Career Archaeologists Prehistoric Society Later Prehistoric Finds Group (LPFG) Centre for Crime, Justice and Security Group. School of Law, Policing and Forensic, Staffordshire University
Breaking-up for the Broken Community: Pottery Fragmentation in Bronze and Iron Age Albanian Burial Mounds. Later Prehistoric Finds Group 2020 Annual Conference. What’s new? Decolonising Archaeology: Nationalistic Agendas in the Balkans and the Study of Tumulus Cemeteries. CIfA 2021 – Festival of Innovation Urns, Emotions and Memory: Closing the Circle of Life. Forthcoming September 2021 EAA Power and Control: Burial Mounds and the Agency of Death. Forthcoming September 2021 EAA
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