MSc/ MA Applied Research

Our research Masters programme offers the opportunity to combine a lengthier dissertation with specialist modules:

  • Learn about innovative surveying and excavation techniques used in archaeological and forensic archaeological investigations which you will then use in the field
  • Participate in groundbreaking research and fieldwork projects in the UK and abroad
  • Disseminate research in subject-specific outlets
  • Full time (1 year) and part-time (2 years) options
  • Based at Staffordshire University with access to cutting-edge equipment and facilities.

Our unique MSc and MA programmes in Applied Research offer three specialist pathways, offering you the opportunity to specialise in your chosen avenue of archaeological research and practice.

We are currently offering pathways in Archaeological Practice, Forensic Archaeology, or Conflict and Genocide Archaeology, all taught by internationally recognised experts.

Download our MSc Applied Research leaflet or 

For further information, please contact:
Kevin Colls
t: +44 (0) 1782 294037
