Professional Development and Training

CPD Training volunteers in archaeological excavation techniques

CPD Training volunteers in archaeological excavation techniques

The Centre of Archaeology offers a number of University-accredited archaeological short courses, training programmes, summer schools and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) workshops.

These opportunities cover a wide range of topics from GIS analysis in archaeology to ethical approaches to Archaeology.

They are typically for undergraduate and postgraduate students, members of police forces, council archaeologists, employees of historic sites and trusts, as well as other organisations and individuals.

In addition, bespoke short courses, master classes and training solutions can be developed to suit specific training requirements.

We also actively promote interest in the historic environment, through outreach programmes, community engagement activities, and public lectures.

The Centre works closely with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) to ensure that all courses are up-to-date and that course content meets specific industry needs as well as individual professional development plans. Click on the individual courses for further details.


Ethical approaches to archaeology CPD workshop

Forensic Archaeology class session CPD workshop

Forensic Archaeology practical sessions CPD workshop

Photogrammetry for archaeologists CPD workshop


To discuss your specific training requirements, please contact:

Kevin Colls
Archaeological Project Manager
t: +44 (0)1782 294037

Read about Kevin Colls’ expertise