To coincide with the release of the television documentary Treblinka: Inside Hitler’s Secret Death Camp and in keeping with their aim to bring the best of new research to the secondary classroom, the Institute of Education (University of London) is hosting an event with Dr Caroline Sturdy Colls on Tuesday 10th December. Caroline’s findings are helping us to reinterpret Treblinka, and the event at the IOE,‘Rewriting history? Holocaust archaeology – implications for the classroom’ will include:
16:45 – Arrival and refreshments
17:00 – ‘Rewriting history? Approaches to Holocaust archaeology’ Dr Caroline Sturdy Colls, Lecturer in Forensic Investigation (Forensic and Crime Science and Centre of Archaeology), Staffordshire University
18:00 – Break
18:15 – Implications for the classroom – a workshop where participants will work alongside Caroline and IOE staff, exploring how images of artefacts excavated from Holocaust-related sites, maps, geophysical surveys, aerial photography and other material related to Holocaust archaeology may be developed for classroom activities. We will also explore how the ethical implications of Holocaust archaeology relate to studying this subject in the classroom, and ways in which we can develop young people’s critical thinking and independent learning.
19:15 – Reception – meal and wine
This event forms part of the IOEs Holocaust Education Development Programme.
This event is free of charge for secondary school teachers but places are limited and early booking is essential. Please email the Institute of Education at the University of London at to secure your place.