GradEX Top Tips!

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Written by Ben

With Digital GradEX20 having over 7,000  employers already signed up to view final year projects, Ben has put together his top tips for applying, networking and making the most of this unique opportunity!


GradEX Top Tips:

  • Get involved – Quick and easy sign up process and a day’s effort that could benefit you in your career for the rest of your life!


  • Don’t be afraid to sell yourself – This is a unique opportunity you have to promote yourself and show employers what you’re made of. Don’t be scared to talk about yourself!


  • Comfort zone – what comfort zone? Try your best to step out of your comfort zone. If you are someone who struggles talking to people or presenting, this may be a great opportunity to find a middle ground and gain some exposure.


  • Conversation is key – when communicating with professionals and employers, make the most of the opportunities after GradEx; ask questions, be open to discussion and remain professional.


  • Be concise and be clear – When completing your summary and uploading images, make sure that what you are writing is clear, essential and best sells your skills. Contact us for help with this if you need it. Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm on


To find out more information about GradEX visit:

To apply to GradEX follow:


To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs


Get Involved and Get Ahead!

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Written by Annie

Get Ahead is a four-week block of learning where you will get the chance to engage in a wide variety of activities to develop new skills and encounter new experiences. These activities are a combination of sessions specific to your subject area and sessions you can take part in outside your area of expertise!

Why should you participate?

Graduates will be more employable if they have a wide variety of skills to offer employers in addition to their subject expertise. It gives you a chance to develop a broader skill set during your time studying and Get Ahead is designed just for that!

Week 1 Brilliant and Friendly: There are many sessions offered by multiple faculties that you can engage in. Digital services are offering the chance to learn, practice and complete online exams (for certification!) in these areas;

  • Microsoft Office Specialist
  • Adobe Certified Associate
  • Microsoft Technology Associate
  • Microsoft technical certifications

Using these programmes are so important and a certification to prove your competence in these areas is exactly what employers are looking for, it is so useful for your employability skillset and they are externally recognised certificates! There are also workshops on finding good resources, research skills for humanities, LinkedIn networking, and multiple support sessions!

Week 2 Curious and Daring: Step outside your comfort zone and try something new! Be bold – try an online masterclass, set up a professional social media account, volunteer for an organisation, join an online fitness session!

There is a careers assessment page that can help you find your career preference, LinkedIn online training courses and a pro tools and online audio masterclasses!

There are many more sessions that can be accessed so develop your skills, enhance your employability, and be curious, daring and bold whilst trying something new!

How do I sign up?

To get started, just choose a week to view the different activities.  Some of the activities will be specific to your course – in which case, the link will direct you to your Blackboard pages.  However, many of the activities are open to all students, so please feel free to explore activities listed by the other Schools. 

All sessions can be viewed/ and signed up for in the link below:


To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs

Finding a Graduate Job in Engineering

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Written by Holly

During this time, it may seem a little challenging and overwhelming on how to find a graduate level job in your industry, so I’ve put together some tips for you on how to get that graduate job!


This is the perfect opportunity to put yourself out there and let employers know who you are and why you would be valuable to their company! Big or small, it’s important to make a good first impression. Even if that company isn’t hiring now, they may remember you for an opportunity that comes up, or even make a position just for you!

Linkedin- This website gives you the opportunity to connect with employers and recruiters at the click of a button! Make sure that your profile is short, to the point and eye catching! Don’t be afraid to let yourself shine on there.

Don’t be afraid of getting in touch with people either! Introduce yourself to current employees or even employers and make sure you ask valuable questions.

Linked in also shows you current roles that it thinks relates to the information you have put on your profile, so make sure you include key words when writing it.


Here are some current vacancies you may be interested in:

Graduate Engineer- Multiple vacancies




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Graduate Engineers



If you would like any help at all with an application, or with writing your CV, please email and we will be more than happy to help!


To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs

Finding a Graduate Job in Fashion

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Written by Holly

During this time, it may seem a little challenging and overwhelming on how to find a graduate level job in your industry, so I’ve put together some tips for you on how to get that graduate job!


This is the perfect opportunity to put yourself out there and let employers know who you are and why you would be valuable to their company! Big or small, it’s important to make a good first impression. Even if that company isn’t hiring now, they may remember you for an opportunity that comes up, or even make a position just for you!Linkedin - Free social media icons

Linkedin- This website gives you the opportunity to connect with employers and recruiters at the click of a button! Make sure that your profile is short, to the point and eye catching! Don’t be afraid to let yourself shine on there.

Don’t be afraid of getting in touch with people either! Introduce yourself to current employees or even employers and make sure you ask valuable questions.

Linked in also shows you current roles that it thinks relates to the information you have put on your profile, so make sure you include key words when writing it.

Social media

Believe it or not, social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and upcoming TikTok can sometimes be the places where jobs are advertised! Clothing companies are especially known for doing this so make sure you are keeping a close eye on what they’re up to one there! It may even be worth messaging a company on social media to see if they have any upcoming vacancies.

Current fashion/ fashion related jobs:

Shop our Sale | Women's Clothes | Online Fashion | I SAW IT FIRST

Junior Garment Technologist

  • Garment Fitting Assistant
  • Creative Manager
  • Buyer
  • Online Visual Merchandiser



Boutique Manager


If you would like any help at all with an application, or with writing your CV, please email and we will be more than happy to help!


To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs


Mental Health Awareness Week!

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Kindness Matters…Always!

Written by Megan

Whilst going through the stresses of day-to-day life, it is easy to forget that we all live in this world together. Focusing on ourselves and those closest to us, it is better to give than receive, as not only does this make a family member or a dear friend happy, but it makes you happy to see them smile. So why stop there? Why not extend this to a stranger? This week is mental health awareness week and we plan to promote just how important kindness is, not only for these 7 days, but every day of the year!

By kindness, we mean doing something for someone else, and often putting other peoples needs before your own. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, nor does it need to cost a lot of money or time, however there is research to suggest that whilst helping someone else you are actually helping your own wellbeing by reducing stress, and ultimately improving your mood, self-esteem and happiness.

So how can this help you?

The health benefits for both yourself and the person who you have helped are many. For the individual who has received kindness, it could be the only good thing that has happened to them throughout a really bad day, and in some cases, you may be the only person they have seen or spoken to in days or sometimes weeks. This means that not only are you making them smile, but you are also reducing their loneliness and isolation. This could be the case for the person who has been kind too (A.K.A you), as helping other may encourage you to be active, and helping another may create and strengthen social connections (if you were volunteering for example). Helping others is a fantastic way to make new friends, become part of a community and overall find a sense of belonging you might not have had beforehand.

It is also important to remember that one act of kindness could inspire so many more! Have you ever been at a party and didn’t want to be the first up dancing, but as soon as someone else was on the dancefloor, there was no stopping you after that? A lot of people feel shy about being the first person to do anything, but someone has to be. And what better way than being the first person that reaches out and helps someone else? You never know, if you boost their confidence and self-esteem, then they may go on to do the same for someone else.

What are some ways to be kind to others?

Sometimes it can be difficult to know what can be considered as kindness, but it really could be anything. Checking on your elderly neighbour and asking if they need any help with anything, sending someone a card telling them you appreciate them, or even giving someone a small compliment. Kindness comes in all shapes and sizes, from a smile, to helping in a soup kitchen, all the way up to skydiving to raise money for charity! Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, you can help somebody out whilst maintaining a safe distance. This could include a smile and wave over the garden fence, a message via social media or grabbing a couple of extra bits whilst doing your food shops for someone who may be less able to make it to the supermarket. Popping these items on the doorstep with a little note may be all it takes to invoke a smile. The possibilities are endless and a combination of big and small actions from everyone can only make the world a better place.


As a final example of an act of kindness, we would like to say thank you to all our NHS and other frontline workers. Here at the Staffs Uni Career Studio, and across the entire university, we appreciate every single one of you and we hope kindness comes to you in leaps and bounds, regardless of whether you are a Staffordshire University student, alumni, or from anywhere else.

*Should you ever need any support with mental health, please do not hesitate to contact the wellbeing team at Staffordshire University, or alternatively (should you wish to remain anonymous, visit This is a 24 hour service that is free for all staff and students at the university, and you only need to tell them your identity should you wish to*


To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs

How to Enter to Digital GradEx!

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Check out this Vlog by Ben, a Career Coach and final year policing criminal investigation student, talking about all things GradEX! You really don’t want to miss this unique opportunity to showcase your final year project and network with over 7,000 employers and alumnis!

For more information about GradEX check out:

What to register? Summit your application here:

Want help with your application? Any questions about GradEX? Get in touch with a Career Coach!


To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs


Thank You NHS

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We give thanks to the NHS, especially our students and alumni!

Written by Megan

During the pandemic of 2020, healthcare is the sector that is continuing to grow the most by far. In the first 2 days of the crisis, over 700.000 people had volunteered to be part of the NHS, not including all the people who volunteered to make masks, headbands and so on. Care/nursing homes are also recruiting more and more staff to cover the demands of isolating residents should they show any symptoms of the Coronavirus, and the demands of staff sickness. The social care sector is trying to fulfil its duties to the best of its ability during this time, as the issues that social care workers face on a daily basis are not put on hold because of a pandemic. For this reason, it is important that we take a moment to say thank you to everyone involved in these sectors, as without them, this fight would have been over before it had even begun.

All our final year student nurses are still facing the stresses of university, alongside the stresses of Covid-19. Our online GradEx portal is now opening, offering final year students from any degree the chance to upload their projects or portfolio to be seen by potential employers. Every single student is encouraged to do this, as a fantastic opportunity could arise and being pro-active is a necessity during uncertain times.

There are also students from non-healthcare related degrees who have offered their services working in care homes and other environments that could put them at risk like those working for the NHS. As a result of this, there are known cases of our students having the virus and continuing to thrive working from home where possible. As a university, we are #ProudtoBeStaffs, and even more so with how our students have joined the resistance without hesitation.

From all out students at Staffordshire University, to anyone working for the NHS, or in other healthcare environments regardless of where you come from…. We applaud you!


Do you work for the NHS? We would love to hear from you!

To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch:


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs

What is Digital GradEx?

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Check out this Vlog by Grace, a Career Coach and Msc Digital Marketing student, talking about all things GradEX! You really don’t want to miss this unique opportunity to showcase your final year project and network with over 7,000 employers and alumnis!

For more information about GradEX check out:

What to register? Summit your application here:

Want help with your application? Any questions about GradEX? Get in touch with a Career Coach!

To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs

Why Take Part in GradEx?

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Check out this Vlog by Amber, a Career Coach and final year psychology student, talking about all things GradEX! You really don’t want to miss this unique opportunity to showcase your final year project and network with over 7,000 employers and alumnis!

For more information about GradEX check out:

What to register? Summit your application here:

Want help with your application? Any questions about GradEX? Get in touch with a Career Coach!


To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs

Careers Graduate Q&A Amber from LSE!

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Written by Amber

We interviewed Amber, a final year student from the school of LSE, to see what steps she is taking to secure her future job position. Questions asked included: have her career plans changed, what are her concerns about her future and how she is being pro-active during this uncertain time.

1) What are YOUR concerns about YOUR future?

My concerns begin with achieving the grades needed for the graduate scheme I have applied for or the masters (I am now considering) I would start later in the year (related to personal difficulties and exceptional circumstances). Furthermore, whichever pathway I choose would involve individual concerns – moving further away from home, working on the frontline when we could still be on lockdown potentially putting myself at risk, being able to afford to live on my own for work or study, continuing studies at a higher level remotely involving little contact time and mostly not being successful with the pathway I decide to follow.

2) Have YOU changed YOUR plans?

Yes! Due to the current circumstances my travel plans, which included an educational trip to Malaysia with Staffs Psychology department and a 4 week psychology placement in Bali, have already been or will more than likely be cancelled and if not I will be seriously considering dropping out of the placement because of the pandemic. This restricts the work experience I was hoping to have completed before starting work (or masters). Also, due to limited places on the graduate scheme I have applied for there may not be a location suitable which means I am making more of an effort to consider a master’s degree for September start.

3) What are YOU pro-actively doing now?

I am contacting the graduate scheme for more information about availability and other options. Regarding the masters, I am planning to attend the Staffs post grad virtual open day. I have applied to be a student advisory panel member for ‘start to success’ which launched earlier in the year (regional 2 year mental health project) and have already spoken to the project coordinator for more information. Also, I am currently completing an online course ‘Safeguarding Adults: Level 3 Training’, which I am more than half way through and will give me industry relevant training and the safeguarding certification on completion.

4)What are YOUR top tips for YOUR fellow graduates?

  • Always look for a plan B, in these uncertain times especially, I wouldn’t risk relying on one option.

  • Look for and complete courses that are relevant to your career choice – they will give you an edge against peers and can offer a break from Uni work.

  • Be openminded – you may find opportunities to suit you that you didn’t originally consider of interest.

  • Don’t be too critical of yourself – you’re trying your best!

  • Don’t give up!


To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


Twitter: @CareersAtStaffs

Instagram: @CareersAtStaffs

Facebook: Staffordshire University​ Career & Personal Development

LinkedIn: @CareersAtStaffs