GradEX Top Tips!

By Grace,

Written by Ben

With Digital GradEX20 having over 7,000  employers already signed up to view final year projects, Ben has put together his top tips for applying, networking and making the most of this unique opportunity!


GradEX Top Tips:

  • Get involved – Quick and easy sign up process and a day’s effort that could benefit you in your career for the rest of your life!


  • Don’t be afraid to sell yourself – This is a unique opportunity you have to promote yourself and show employers what you’re made of. Don’t be scared to talk about yourself!


  • Comfort zone – what comfort zone? Try your best to step out of your comfort zone. If you are someone who struggles talking to people or presenting, this may be a great opportunity to find a middle ground and gain some exposure.


  • Conversation is key – when communicating with professionals and employers, make the most of the opportunities after GradEx; ask questions, be open to discussion and remain professional.


  • Be concise and be clear – When completing your summary and uploading images, make sure that what you are writing is clear, essential and best sells your skills. Contact us for help with this if you need it. Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm on


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To speak to one of our Career Coaches get in touch.


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