Single Parent Student

September 25, 2016 Lauren 0

So for those of you don’t know, I have a teenager! An “it’s not fair” eats me out of house and home, no concept of money, sleep in till mid-day teenager. And for over the […]

Get to Know our Ambassadors

September 21, 2016 Lauren 0

As am ambassador I have lots of stories about what I’ve done, but I thought I’d share their stories and favourite moments of being an ambassador with you…here’s what they said. Kristian Harrison-Second year English […]

5 Ambassadors – 5 Roles

September 20, 2016 Lauren 0

As an ambassador I have the opportunity to work in lots of different roles representing the university. its amazing and I have met so many wonder people and prospective students. Other ambassadors are great, and its […]

Lauren starting uni

Worried About Starting Uni?

September 10, 2016 Lauren 1

Regardless of your age, background, circumstances or how you’ve ended up coming to university, we will all have worries and fears. For me I thought I was too old, out of fashion, and not up […]

Healthy Body and Healthy Mind

September 2, 2016 Lauren 1

So the gym. Yup I did it! Sign and sealed as of today. I am a full paid member of Staffordshire University’s Sir Stanley Mathews Gym. To be honest I have being saying I will for…erm….well […]

Student and parents walking at the open day

Why Bother With an Open Day

September 1, 2016 Lauren 0

Open days are a great way to see exactly what each university has to offer and what the area around the university is like. You might love the campus, but hate the location, love the […]

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