Joe in Manchester for an awards ceremony

New Year, New Semester

January 7, 2016 Joe 0

The second semester of my second year was a real turning point for me! During the first year I tried hard but was mainly more concerned about meeting new people and having a good time […]

Richard walking through the destroyed Muslim quarter of Bocaranga

Introduction to Richard

January 6, 2016 Richard Bretherick 0

  This is my initial blog so requires plenty of introductions to my course, my working life, and how I combine the two. I’m currently in my second year of the MA International Policy and […]

Fireworks above a city skyline

A New Year

January 5, 2016 Charlize 0

We’re finally in 2016 and wow has it come quick! It seems like only yesterday I was in my first year of University and now I’m only a few months away from the end. 2015 […]

Rebecca with friends

Things For New Students

January 3, 2016 Rebecca 0

I feel as though the twelve weeks I have been at Staffs and the three open days I have been a part of qualify me as enough of an expert to talk a little bit about […]

Jaz and Rebecca in LRV

An Open Letter to Everyone

January 2, 2016 Jaz 0

“I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams” Hello, There comes a time in your life where you have the opportunity to choose the […]

No Picture

The First Semester…

January 1, 2016 Rebecca 0

As the first semester draws to a close and I begin to pack everything away to go home for the christmas holidays I thought I would talk about what my first semester at university has […]

10 Things I Miss From Student Life

December 31, 2015 Joe 0

As much as I am enjoying ‘working life’, there are some things I am missing about being a student and the lifestyle I had for 3 years. Going to university was the best decision I […]

Looking out of a Plane window

My Life Plan

December 30, 2015 Queenie 0

Ok so I realize that I have not really been letting you guys in on what exactly I have been doing since graduating. I mean so much for a graduate blog huh? The truth is […]

4 ladies sat down waiting for an interview

How To Dress For An Interview

December 28, 2015 Charlize 0

Dressing the part for an interview is very crucial in whether an employer sees you fit enough to work for their establishment or not. Having a perfect CV with great skills may not always be […]

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