New Holocaust Archaeologies Book Published

Holocaust Archaeologies
A new book, written by Centre of Archaeology Research Lead Dr Caroline Sturdy Colls, has recently been published.

Holocaust Archaeologies: Approaches and Future Directions aims to move archaeological research concerning the Holocaust forward through a discussion of the variety of the political, social, ethical and religious issues that surround investigations of this period and by considering how to address them. The book considers the various reasons why archaeological investigations may take place and what issues will be brought to bear when fieldwork is suggested. Dr Sturdy Colls presents an interdisciplinary methodology in order to demonstrate how archaeology can (uniquely) contribute to the history of this period.

The book discusses the geographical variety and diversity of the European Holocaust sites, utilising case studies from Dr Sturdy Colls’ fieldwork and research. There is a particular focus on her work at Treblinka in Poland, Semlin in Serbia and Alderney in the Channel Islands. Many of the results of these investigations are presented in the book for the first time. Widely held perceptions of the Holocaust are challenged and Dr Sturdy Colls presents possibilities for future investigations. Looking to the future, the book also considers how novel ways that archaeological investigations can contribute to educating future generations and re-presenting the Holocaust.

For more information, see the publication flyer.

Hardcopies of the publication and an ebook can be purchased on Springer’s website or via other online outlets and bookstores

Scan the QR code below to be directed to the page for more information or to purchase on the Springer website.

Holocaust Archaeologies