Rohatyn Survey Results Released


Field Survey Team at Rohatyn’s South Mass Grave Site (Photo credit: Jay Osborn)


The results of a non-invasive archaeological survey in Rohatyn, Ukraine, undertaken by a team from the Centre of Archaeology are now available online.

For nine days from late May to early June 2017, Rohatyn Jewish Heritage commissioned the Centre of Archaeology to undertake a non-invasive professional survey at three WW2-era Jewish mass grave sites in Rohatyn. The 80-page final report written by our team is now accessible via Rohatyn Jewish Heritage’s website.

A summary of the results is also available, which includes not only the survey’s findings, but also descriptions of the methodology, issues encountered during the survey, the documented history of the execution sites (1942-43), and follow-up recommendations.

A Ukrainian translation of the full 80-page report is in process, and will be shared with the City of Rohatyn and posted online when available.

Within the surveyed areas, two mass grave boundaries were detected and defined (one at each location, north and south), and a third, possible grave was identified at the north site. An ongoing problem with criminal looting at the south mass grave site, and a mismatch between the current fenced perimeter of Rohatyn’s new Jewish cemetery and its pre-war boundaries as seen in the 1944 Luftwaffe aerial photo were also identified by the survey team.

The Centre of Archaeology will continue to collaborate with Rohatyn Jewish Heritage as new data is acquired, and Rohatyn Jewish Heritage will begin working with the City of Rohatyn in 2018 to explore options for better protecting these vulnerable sites from development and disturbance and for remembering Rohatyn’s Jewish victims.