Introducing the C3 Showcase Website

The C3 Centre has recently launched its own Showcase website.This website will function as a gallery space, or if you will, a curated and creative multi-element journal. It will be a multi-medial experience showcasing our practice, our research and the work that we are engaged in.

Our research groups will use it to showcase some of their work, bringing together published, underpinning academic writings with practice outputs, such as music, film, visual art or media.

Our showcase is at the beginning of its development, so please be patient with us as we are putting together some exciting arts, writings, media, film and music, drawing from our creative practice-based research.

The link to the showcase website is

We would like to invite our research groups to identify researchers who will create their own curated pages showcasing their research. Below is a short how to guide and some examples.

Any questions and if you need a bit of help with putting together a curation, contact either Agata or Carola.

Below an image of a “Curation”.


Here is a list of our current example curations. that can be used as a template.

Getting into Culture 3.0: cultural engagement, place-making and co-creation

Welcome to C3 Curations

Do you want to co-curate with us?