Can Stoke-on-Trent make you happy?

Matthew Rice gave a very entertaining public lecture entitled ‘Can Stoke-on-Trent make you happy?’ on Tuesday 11th, part of the University’s Centenary series.  Matthew pointed to some other European cities which have pulled themselves out of the post-industrial doldrums, discussed Stoke’s industrial and domestic architectural heritage in terms of its emotional significance for the local population, and suggested that artists could act as the “stormtroopers of regeneration”!  The next lecture in this series is by TV historian Professor Michael Wood and is entitled ‘Does History Matter?’  For further details go to:

Writing and Recovery

Staffs lecturer and poet, Barry Taylor, on a project to use arts and creativity in the recovery process for addicts

To Dublin and Kilkenny in Independent Study Week week for a meeting of the European partners in Typecast, a collaborative project between the British Ceramics Biennial and Portraits of Recovery, a leader in developing arts and creative initiatives to support the drugs and alcohol recovery process. Continue reading

Grasmere Trip

Staff and 1st year students had a great weekend in the Lake District. We visited Dove Cottage and the Wordsworth museum, eat and drank handsomely, communed with nature, and a few hardy students accompanied us to Easedale Tarn where we read Coleridge and Wordsworth. Magnificent.

More to follow from the students who were there.grasmere walk