National Student Survey Results

The 2015 NSS results have just been publicly released. These are standardised surveys of current students, held at every University in the country, and which feed into things like league tables. We are pleased to report that … our students are pleased! Overall satisfaction is above 90%, as likewise is the satisfaction with our teaching. Compared with English and Creative Writing departments around the country, we are ahead of the pack in five out of eight indicators.

The new term

Plans for the new term are coming along nicely. There will be a new module, Writing for Success, for the first years. The planning for the first year trip to Grasmere, the home of the Lakeland poets and Romanticism, is well advanced. In addition, there are plans to see The Winter’s Tale and Waiting for Godot at the New Vic and to take in the exhibition of the works of Lowry and his local counterpart, Arthur Berry, at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery.

More news as it’s confirmed.